writemonkey / wm3

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Internal links to other files #344

Open nomad101 opened 4 years ago

nomad101 commented 4 years ago


Maybe this is asking for too much... Would you consider implementing internal links to other files?

This would make WM a very powerful and productive writing system, and could follow a 'Zettelkasten' method which enables the writer to connect - cross/hyper-link - ideas together with other notes/files. (I'm aware the your existing Repository feature sort of does this, but once you have a lot of notes, it becomes unwieldy to navigate, and repository text is limited to that file). Other software such as zettlr and joplin have internal links, but otherwise are inferior to the writing experience and features of WM.

Thanks for producing such great software.

jweickm commented 4 years ago

I second this! Linking documents would be an amazing asset to a productive workflow!

novakwh commented 4 years ago

I would also be really happy if this feature were added.

eyeamonlyme commented 3 years ago

Bump +1