writemonkey / wm3

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Support for workflow based on filesystem and version control #365

Open ghost opened 4 years ago

ghost commented 4 years ago

I'm liking a lot about WriteMonkey, but the workflow does not seem to be able to accommodate a very basic and common use case. I just want to have a directory of text files, which WriteMonkey would be able to view and open for editing in the panel on the left. This is a very common workflow across the top editors in software, such as Visual Studio Code, Atom, Sublime, etc. It allows easy use with version control systems such as git, and keeping it in the filesystem is the most fundamental way to enable (and not hamper) all kinds of processing one may want to do, such as do LaTeX file processing or other compilation.

As it is, from my limited usage testing so far, this does not seem possible or is really cumbersome. It seems everything is stored and hidden in a user folder database, and documents have to be "bound" to a text file. Even then, there does not seem to be anything as basic as the ability to view and map to a directory on the file system. If writemonkey manages its document in this kind of closed environment, then it is at odds with much other software and is hard to integrate into a workflow that does anything more than just type text.

writemonkey commented 4 years ago

Hi, I intend to add better files/directories support. i.