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Adding right-click on Markdown preview panel (Documentation request) #387

Open atrodorsus opened 3 years ago

atrodorsus commented 3 years ago

Hi there! This might be a bit of a silly request, but I certainly felt silly after using Writemonkey for so long and only discovering that I could right-click on the Markdown preview panel and select to "Include forced empty lines"! I've previously been using nbsp or using "filler" symbols to mark where I wanted to force empty lines (and being very confused that the Documentation says forced empty lines are possible but never being able to see them in the Markdown preview panel). I think this would be something useful to add to the Documentation page in the future :-)

Thank you very much!

writemonkey commented 3 years ago

Hi, for now I added (Preview plugin) :)

Trick 4: Right click anywhere in the preview pan to open context menu with additional options.
