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LInux: Chrome Sandbox issue #397

Open Nootilus opened 2 years ago

Nootilus commented 2 years ago


On Linux, Debian 11, I have a strange and annoying issue. After installing the libconf-2-4 dependancy, NW refuses to run with the following error:

21526:0908/173747:ERROR:browser_main_loop.cc(170)] Running without the SUID sandbox!

It took me a while to figure a kind of solution: install Chromium on the system. Then, WM3 accepts to run. Until I change something in its config file (locate the DB on a cloud). If I mess up the path (which I do most often) in the config file, the next time I try to launch WM3, the same error about the Chrome Sandbox happens. And this time, no obvious solution, because Chromium is already installed…

Has anyone the same issue? Any idea on how to get rid of this? Yay!

Nootilus commented 2 years ago

I tried to remove and clean chromium, then do a fresh reinstall. No luck, still the same error.