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Keyboard access to Library #402

Open Stefanoko opened 2 years ago

Stefanoko commented 2 years ago

I would appreciate a shortcut to toggle the library pane into view and out again. Or any means of getting to the library, other than having to leave the keyboard and aim the mouse at the tiny arrow. And then having to aim again to hide the library. Cumbersome to do, especially on high-res displays that require more mouse travel.

Ctrl Shift I (open project) helps a lot, but to gain access to Search, Favorites, Today etc. it were nice to have a quicker, more writerly way, of getting there.

writemonkey commented 1 year ago

F9, if I understand you correctly. F10 toggles library/jumps. i.

Stefanoko commented 1 year ago

I meant the leftmost sidebar. The one that lists Projects and what the WM3 documentation calls "library" = the pane to switch between different views in the document pane (Today, Favorites, etc.)

F10 toggles documents / jumps, (to stick with the definition from WM3 documentation) and I am perfectly fine with F10 as it is.

What I would like to see, is an additional shortcut that shows the above-mentioned "library and projects-pane" = the leftmost sidebar, and puts the focus there. So I can switch between projects without having to use the mouse.

Not sure what to make of F9. I never use it because it messes with my text width. If you meant re-assigning F9, I have no objections. Any shortcut is welcome. As long as it brings the projects-pane (library-pane?) into view and puts the focus there.