writemonkey / wm3

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Custom Colors #411

Open Stefanoko opened 1 year ago

Stefanoko commented 1 year ago

I am struggling to create custom themes. Because WM auto-assigns reverse colors, which render my command palette unusable. Or my collapsed regions and their word count bubbles.

Ideally, users were allowed to define their own — separate — colors for ALL elements, from UI-icons to command palette fonts and BG to collapsed regions and their respective bubbles.

Maybe this is already possible? Is there a way, to override the auto-generated reverse colors and replace them with my own CSS-defined colors?

writemonkey commented 1 year ago

Will mark this as "inconsistency" and "to-do". There is no easy way to style those elements at the moment. i.

Stefanoko commented 1 year ago

Thank you. To be clear: for some color combinations, the built-in inverse logic works well. But it takes a lot of experimenting, tedious work. And often, it leads to bright colors on dark themes, and dark colors on light themes, which make it all but useless under daylight/ nighttime usage.

It were less frustrating and so much easier, if the user were in charge of all CSS elements, instead of fighting the automatic inversions and jostling with the built-in algorithms. No matter how well-intended they are meant to be.

writemonkey commented 1 year ago

Agreed. i.