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Pandoc installed, but nothing happens #415

Open nc-ulille opened 1 year ago

nc-ulille commented 1 year ago

I can’t figure how to make Pandoc plugin work… It only show the message that Export has started, but then nothing happens. Last version of Pandoc is installed (Windows 10)

Is there a way to get some debug informations somewhere?

writemonkey commented 1 year ago

To open the developer console, press ctrl+shift+J. Then, run the pandoc command and check the console for any errors. Let me know what is the problem. i.

nc-ulille commented 1 year ago

Thanks! I have :

TypeError        command_palette.js:1033 
message: "undefined is not a function"
stack: (...)get stack: function () { [native code] }set stack: function () { [native code] }__proto__: Error
writemonkey commented 1 year ago

Hmmm, not very informative :) Which pandoc command did you run? Is it the same with all commands? If that is the case, I'd try to reinstall the pandoc and make sure that it works outside wm. Also make sure that your user account has access to it. i.

nc-ulille commented 1 year ago

Yes, it’s the same for all the commands. I just tested that Pandoc works in the command line without problems.

writemonkey commented 1 year ago

Is pandoc installation folder included under PATH User variables? The installation should put it there, but check anyway:

Press the Start key on your keyboard. Search and open “Edit the system environment variables.” Go to the “Advanced” tab. Click the “Environment variables” button. Select the “Path” variable under “User variables” or “System variables.”

nc-ulille commented 1 year ago

It seems Ok : there is C:\Users\XXXXXX\AppData\Local\Pandoc and pandoc.exe is present in this directory

writemonkey commented 1 year ago

Hmmm, on my system, also win10, pandoc is @ C:\Program Files\Pandoc\ I'd try to reinstall the pandoc there. But I am guessing now, it should also work from any other folder. But that is smth I'd try. It seems that wm can't find pandoc ... I just installed the newest pandoc version (3.1.2) and wm export works as intended. i.

nc-ulille commented 1 year ago

I reinstalled Pandoc for all the users. pandoc.exe is now in C:\Program Files\Pandoc but for some reason it wasn’t added to PATH environment variable. I added it manually, restarted, but it didn’t work (same message)

writemonkey commented 1 year ago

Another long shot: grab wm folder and copy it to your desktop. run wm from there. I presume you are running wm 3.3? i.

writemonkey commented 1 year ago

No luck? It just refuses to work? i.

nc-ulille commented 1 year ago

Ok it seems to work now, thanks! Sorry for the delay, I was busy with other stuff, and : in my installation, there is a permanent backup of my desktop on some server (or something like that). When I put something on my desktop, it is in fact on a server. So installing WM3 there didn’t work.

I have now made a copy of WM3 on hard drive C:\…\Desktop, and then Pandoc worked.

emilioluque commented 12 months ago

I also get errors when running the pandoc plugin from anywhere but a copy of WM on the desktop. Is there a "desktop" parameter in some .json that would allow it to work from elsewhere?