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How to restore project data? #424

Open ONLINEWOLF66 opened 8 months ago

ONLINEWOLF66 commented 8 months ago

I was using write monkey and the program froze. I restarted by computer and all my work was gone. It still lists the project but the text is gone. How do I restore it? I have gone to this link but it doesn't make any sense. Please help I can't afford to lose my work.


writemonkey commented 8 months ago

Hi there are backup database files. To find backup directory, use "Open directory with database backup files". To find database files, use "Open directory with database files". Then replace the four files (names are below).

To restore text from specific document, use "Show restore points" when the document in question is opened in wm.


Storage Your documents are stored in database file in the default local application data directory.

Windows: c:\Users[user]\AppData\Local\Writemonkey 3\writemonkey3_sheets OSX: /Users/[user]/Library/Application Support/Writemonkey 3/writemonkey3_sheets Linux: /var/local/Writemonkey 3/writemonkey3_sheets Use Open Folder with Database file from Command palette to open folder containing database files.

There are 4 additional files at the same location:

writemonkey3_sheets_repository file containing repository data (database file) writemonkey3_sheets_history file contains history (restore points) data (database file) writemonkey3_sheets_projects file contains project data (database file) writemonkey3_custom_dictionary file containing custom dictionary (plain text file)

You can optionally change storage location. Open settings file (see: Settings file chapter below), search for data_directory setting and provide absolute path (even on Windows systems, use forward slashes / in paths, not !) to the desired folder. This can be, for example, used for storing data into Dropbox folder.

Database maintains itself, but you can also compact database files manually via Command palette / Application: Database: Compact (The database file may grow big, especially if you are working on very large documents.)

Select Backup Database from the Command palette to create a complete database backup. The default location is [home directory]/WRITEMONKEY3_BACKUP/ but you can change that in the settings file (backup_directory setting). You can also tell wm to backup automatically. Set this in the settings file (backup_database_automatically setting). The default value is 6 which means that wm will backup database every 6 hours (backup triggers at the moment wm loses focus). Backup will store 2 versions - latest and the previous one marked with _OLDER in the filename. If you are restoring from older version remove _OLDER part from the filenames.

You can open database backup directory from within wm via command palette (Application: Open Directory with Database Backup Files).

LFernandoCt commented 7 months ago

but how do my texts gets the same? i recovered the database files and both are in JSON it seems, i want them in text.