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Writemonkey 3 - how to enable flow mode? #427

Open michaelcylwik opened 5 months ago

michaelcylwik commented 5 months ago

Hi there,

in writemonkey 2 there was a "flow mode" (disable delete- and backspace- keys, only available to donors). Does writemonkey 3 has this feature? If yes, how to enable it? If not, do you add it in the future?

Best regards MC

writemonkey commented 4 months ago

It doesn't. What should the new feature do? Disable delete keys. Also copy&paste? Should it do smth when user stops writing? Should it maybe start deleting the text written? i.

michaelcylwik commented 4 months ago

I meant to disable delete and backspace keys (both of which don't exist in Typewriter) until the restart of App ("flow mode" from Writemoneky 2)