writer / fitbert

Use BERT to Fill in the Blanks
Apache License 2.0
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Support multitoken masked segments #19

Open sam-writer opened 4 years ago

sam-writer commented 4 years ago

This is definitely doable, I have a notebook that I can share with anyone interested LINK. Unclear if it is doable with a reasonable performance budget, however.

What I haven't tried yet, but would like to: Use BART for this, which should be a natural fit, because of the training procedure.

Anwarvic commented 3 years ago

I agree, using BART is more suitable for that when you set match_source_len=False.

Load BART base model

bart = torch.hub.load('pytorch/fairseq', 'bart.base') #takes around two minutes
bart.eval()  # enable evaluation mode
bart.cuda()  # use GPU

Use it:

sentences = ['The <mask> is on the <mask> in front of <mask>.']
bart.fill_mask(sentences, topk=3, beam=10, match_source_len=False)

Gives the following results:

[[('', tensor(-1.5974e-05, device='cuda:0')),
  ('�The photo is on the right in front of the building.',
   tensor(-0.6064, device='cuda:0')),
  ('�The photo is on the right in front of the house.',
   tensor(-0.6113, device='cuda:0'))]]