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New structure for the guide #1085

Open bethaitman opened 4 years ago

bethaitman commented 4 years ago

This is a proposal for a new way of organising all the content we have on the site: talks, guide entries, newsletter articles, and anything else that comes up. We'll never get this perfectly right, but I'd like to get a reasonably flexible structure that can cope with change and expansion.

I've tried to make it as task-based as possible, in the hope that this will map up to things that people are looking for, but I've not been able to do it totally.

All the headings are temporary: I don't think I have the names right yet.

bethaitman commented 4 years ago

Relevant links:

plaindocs commented 4 years ago

What about Interpersonal Stuff -> Culture & Community

bethaitman commented 4 years ago

Notes from the conversation:

ericholscher commented 4 years ago

In terms of implementation, I think we could start with adding the tags into a Sphinx RST index directive.

It would look like:

.. index::

That will then end up in the generated index, and we can also output it on the main page.

ericholscher commented 4 years ago

We should also keep this in step with #527

bethaitman commented 4 years ago

Items to use for testing the Sphinx index:

bethaitman commented 4 years ago

Updated categories proposal, based on discussion above. I'm still not in love with the sentence/page/doc-set level writing distinctions, but I think they'll do.

djwfyi commented 4 years ago

Johnny-come-lately, but here's my take on the categories, with some additions I thought were missing:

bethaitman commented 4 years ago

Thanks @dwhitelf! I've had a go at putting the actual index together, and stole a few of your ideas - I liked how you phrased the writing topics, and I'd missed out style guides, which you added back in.

I'll revisit again once we publish the index, when it'll be a bit easier to work this out, as we'll have a real-life example to compare against. I'd like to keep it to two levels if I can, though, rather than the three levels of nesting you've got.