wrjlewis / notion-search-alfred-workflow

An Alfred workflow to search Notion with instant results
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Notion SVG icons are not displayed #62

Closed epitonium closed 1 year ago

epitonium commented 1 year ago

Notion now supports svg icons for your pages and as it seems Alfred supports only image formats, so instead of displaying page icons in the search there is a default Notion logo presented.

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CleanShot 2022-10-06 at 19 45 25@2x

wrjlewis commented 1 year ago

Hi @epitonium

You're absolutely right, and whilst the workflow has the ability to download and process SVG images, the Alfred software does not support SVG images as icons.

So I don't believe we can solve this one until Alfred supports SVG icons.


epitonium commented 1 year ago

Perhaps some type of "ImageMagick" tool (if installed) could be used to convert downloaded SVGs to an image format supported by Alfred, named by its URL and stored inside the workflow's local folder? So later it could be restored by name if exists.

wrjlewis commented 1 year ago

Yes, I think converting from SVG to something else using a third party library would be the only thing we can do for now. I have so far avoided the use of third party libraries to not create additional install steps for folk, some of which are not adept with terminal or Python.

epitonium commented 1 year ago

You could run conversion implementation for SVGs inside your scripts only after a check for those users who already have it installed. And to mention inside README file that those users having problems with SVG icons need to proceed to an extra step installing ImageMagick on their system using DMG package from the official site or using Homebrew executing brew install imagemagick in terminal for example 😃. With this approach third party library like ImageMagick would not be required by the workflow but simply serve as a troubleshooter 😃.

wrjlewis commented 1 year ago

Thanks @epitonium , I thikn you're spot on here and that would a good solution. I'm not sure when I'd get around to updating the workflow, but I'll add to the to-do list 👍

wrjlewis commented 1 year ago

I'm working on this, should be out in the next couple of weeks

epitonium commented 1 year ago

That's great! 😃