wrobins / cordova-plugin-msal

Use the newest Microsoft MSAL library in your Cordova-based project!
Apache License 2.0
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Azure login not working - Unable to open the Login popup #86

Open ambal1330 opened 2 years ago

ambal1330 commented 2 years ago


We have created a Cordova app with Framework 7 version 2. Working on enabling Azure MFA authentication, Installed the Codova-plugin-msal. Given below configuration. Gave the tenent_id, cliend_id & Signature has value during the plugin installation. Still it is not working MSALInit is not working, Please help me on this .

var defaultOptions1 = { authorities: [ { type: 'AAD', audience: 'AzureADMyOrg', authorityUrl: '', cloudInstance: 'MSALAzurePublicCloudInstance', default: true } ], authorizationUserAgent: 'DEFAULT', multipleCloudsSupported: false, brokerRedirectUri: true, accountMode: 'SINGLE', scopes: ['User.Read'] };

window.cordova.plugins.msalPlugin.msalInit(function() { alert('msalInit');
}, function (err) { alert('msalInit' + err);

}, defaultOptions1);

window.cordova.plugins.msalPlugin.signInInteractive( function(resp) { alert(resp); }, function(err) { } );

ambal1330 commented 2 years ago

@wrobins could you please help on this query

wrobins commented 2 years ago

Hi @ambal1330,

Sorry this is giving you trouble! Would you mind sharing what platform you're running (Android or iOS) and any error that MsalInit() is giving you?

Thanks for your patience and hopefully we can figure out what's going on!

ambal1330 commented 2 years ago

@wrobins We have android & IOS . But currently trying in Android. I am not getting any error in msinit()

But in signInInteractive function getting be low error.

it is giving that "No configuration has been set yet"


ambal1330 commented 2 years ago

@wrobins can you help me on this?

a619sachin commented 2 years ago

@wrobins can you help me on this?

Same issue, msalinit just getting skipped and not getting any errors.

a619sachin commented 2 years ago

@ambal1330 can you show the list of plugins used in your cordova project? I think some other plugin is causing the issue.

Edit: @wrobins I tested using a sample app installing plugins one by one, I found issue with deeplink plugin if I add the deeplink <universal-links> host url </universal-links>, msal won't work. Plugin : https://github.com/e-imaxina/cordova-plugin-deeplinks

ambal1330 commented 2 years ago

@wrobins I am using plain instance having only below Plugins


ambal1330 commented 2 years ago

@wrobins please help on this

a619sachin commented 2 years ago

@ambal1330 can you show the list of plugins used in your cordova project? I think some other plugin is causing the issue.

Edit: @wrobins I tested using a sample app installing plugins one by one, I found issue with deeplink plugin if I add the deeplink <universal-links> host url </universal-links>, msal won't work. Plugin : https://github.com/e-imaxina/cordova-plugin-deeplinks

Hello, does anyone know the workaround for this issue? @wrobins @@peitschie @kratz00 @ambal1330

peitschie commented 2 years ago

@a619sachin are you using the current master, or the (quite old) package released on NPM?

a619sachin commented 2 years ago

@peitschie I installed using CLI.

peitschie commented 2 years ago

@a619sachin try using master instead: cordova plugin add https://github.com/wrobins/cordova-plugin-msal.git

a619sachin commented 2 years ago

@peitschie Okay, will try it.

a619sachin commented 2 years ago

@peitschie Okay, will try it.

@peitschie tried it, still same issue.

ambal1330 commented 2 years ago

HI All, Any update on this issue.

a619sachin commented 2 years ago

HI All, Any update on this issue.

No, I used other plugin. That's the only workaround I found.

ambal1330 commented 2 years ago

@a619sachin What is the another plugin?

peitschie commented 2 years ago

@ambal1330 do you have any allowed intents annotated in your config.xml? The SSO pattern that MSAL uses launches an external http request I believe, so you probably need to allow the intent through so cordova enables the external browser to launch.

See https://cordova.apache.org/docs/en/11.x/guide/appdev/allowlist/index.html#intent-allow-list

To test this (do NOT use this in production, as it allows any url to be launched, which is a security risk!!!!) would be to add something like this in your config.xml under the root widget section:

<widget ...>
  ... existing config ...
  <allow-intent href="http://*/*" />
  <allow-intent href="https://*/*" />

If this allows the window to open, you're on the right path, and just need to figure out the right URLs to allow to keep your app secure but still allow login via SSO.

zailleh commented 1 year ago

I modified the java to output the error since it wasn't visible to me anywhere prior, the error I am getting is:

com.microsoft.identity.client.exception.MsalClientException: Intent filter for: BrowserTabActivity is missing.  Please make sure you have the following activity in your AndroidManifest.xml

<activity android:name="com.microsoft.identity.client.BrowserTabActivity">
        <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
            android:scheme="msauth" />

I can confirm the intent is not there in the generated manifest file and I have the generated config in package.json with the hash key, so something is causing the intent to not be added to the manifest file.

peitschie commented 1 year ago

@zailleh are you using cordova or capacitor?

zailleh commented 1 year ago

@zailleh are you using cordova or capacitor?

@peitschie I'm using cordova.

I confirmed what @a619sachin said about https://github.com/e-imaxina/cordova-plugin-deeplinks.

That plug-in's afterPrepareHook wipes out all <intent> tags (see source here).

Due to another bug in that plugin I discovered recently with a dependancy issue, I've forked it and I'm putting in a fix for it in our version that only removes intents from the mainActivity which solves the issue.