wrye-bash / wrye-bash

A swiss army knife for modding Bethesda games.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Python 3 Upgrade #460

Closed Infernio closed 2 years ago

Infernio commented 4 years ago

Goold old Python 2 is dead in about 3 months as of the time of writing.

What follows is a list of roadblocks:

Things that are not roadblocks:

Useful tracking regexes (make sure to enable *.py mask):

Some resources:

Added to 308, may be addressed sooner - there's lots of factors at play here. There is also no way that I caught every issue we'll encounter on the road to py3. Supersedes: #194 and #404 Follow-ups: #55

Utumno commented 4 years ago

zip et al. return iterators in py3 - this can easily be handled by automated tools if we change them to the izip etc

not needed automated tools will change those to list(zip) we just need to clear the unneeded list after

Unicode strings vs byte strings

not an issue (happily python3 supports u prefix) except ur'strings' which is a syntax error - haven't found a satisfactory solution yet ( see https://stackoverflow.com/a/43359624/281545 )

For a nice guide see: https://medium.com/@boxed/moving-a-large-and-old-codebase-to-python3-33a5a13f8c99

Thanks @Infernio for starting this - was exactly on my mind (and thanks for reading through my technical rants posts in commits and issues as you do)

On Tue, Sep 10, 2019, 00:26 Infernio notifications@github.com wrote:

(Opening this as a central discussion hub, so we can mention it in commits that work toward py3 support and because certain people on Discord keep asking about it 😛)

Goold old Python 2 is dead in about 3 months as of the time of writing https://pythonclock.org/.

What follows is a list of roadblocks:

  • 307.beta4. This needs to be out ASAP (i.e. after wxPython 3 migration is stable and Enderal support is merged), because the vast majority of people download WB from the Nexus, where they're getting a version that's a year out of date and therefore riddled with long-fixed bugs, but telling people to use a nightly version almost always leads to a 'huh? I thought the nightlies were the unstable ones?' reaction
  • wxPython. Neither 2.8 https://sourceforge.net/projects/wxpython/files/wxPython/ nor 3.0 https://sourceforge.net/projects/wxpython/files/wxPython/ have Python 3 versions available. However, the work put into the wx3 upgrade was not wasted; it will make upgrading to wxPython 4.0 https://pypi.org/project/wxPython/, which does have Python 3 support, much easier.
  • loot-api-python. Python 3 versions are available starting from version 4.0 https://github.com/loot/loot-api-python/releases, but see #431 https://github.com/wrye-bash/wrye-bash/issues/431 for the obvious problem there.
  • Well, the entire codebase. A decent chunk can probably be handled by automated tools, but we need to consider the output carefully - plus automated tools won't be nearly enough to catch everything. In particular:
    • Unicode strings vs byte strings
    • Old-style classes need to be switched to new-style classes ahead of time to catch any issues that arise - see the commit message in fa74a1b https://github.com/wrye-bash/wrye-bash/commit/fa74a1b7a61d9b3150f0d2b171145e171f2d27e5, for example
    • zip et al. return iterators in py3 - this can easily be handled by automated tools if we change them to the izip etc. equivalents beforehand. I started a commit like that, but it seems to have gotten lost in the wind somewhere...
    • True division updating - for each usage, we need consider if we want floats or integers
    • Relative imports - are we using the explicit ones everywhere already? Should mostly be caught by automated tools, but problems can arise here
    • cmp and cmp are gone; usage is rare - five in ScriptParser and belt and one each in cint, balt and mods_metadata
    • Don't even worry about trivial stuff like print statements or repr backticks - easily handled by automated tools. Although print statements aren't the greatest thing anyways (see #352 https://github.com/wrye-bash/wrye-bash/issues/352)...

Things that are not roadblocks:

  • comtypes - dropped during wxPython upgrade
  • gitpython - dropped in build script rework, see pygit2 below
  • py2exe - not entirely sure; 0.9+ only supports Python 3 - I think this is why we host our own wheel at version 0.6.9(?)
  • pygit2 - readily supports Python 3
  • pywin32 - readily supports Python 3
  • scandir - built into Python 3, we'll just drop this once we upgrade

Some resources:

Added to 308, may be addressed sooner - there's lots of factors at play here Supersedes #194 https://github.com/wrye-bash/wrye-bash/issues/194 and

404 https://github.com/wrye-bash/wrye-bash/issues/404

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Sharlikran commented 4 years ago

One thing I have installed but am not using at the moment is autopep8 but have tested it to see how it works.

I would think you are all aware of the official conversion docs from python.org which provides suggestions to many things to test python 3 compatibility and provide suggestions toward a more stable 2.7/3 environment to help with the transition.

lojack5 commented 4 years ago

so i was a bit bored and just as a wip wanted to see what all is broken in python 3: see branch lojack-py3.

Not too bad, but it's going to take some picking through the PBash code with a fine tooth comb to find all the instances where we want bytes instead of str.

Not to mention there's still a lot of cosmetic things that aren't quite right with the updated wxPython.

Utumno commented 4 years ago

Interesting! Had a very very quick look - no need to drop u' prefix from unicode strings it's still valid in py3 - and it will probably help us single out the bytes. Some of the wx fixes are already present in 15-wx3 branch, better merge that in first. But in all good we have an initial set of issues to looka at. have a look at https://medium.com/@boxed/moving-a-large-and-old-codebase-to-python3-33a5a13f8c99 seems interesting.

Me and Infernio are working on the patcher - a good opportunity to look at strings vs unicode there.

Utumno commented 4 years ago

Oh and if you are very bored could you have a look at porting CBash to x64? That will really help - we don't want to carry the python32 limitation in py3. Infernio started on it in https://github.com/wrye-bash/CBash/issues/23

lojack5 commented 4 years ago

Ah yeah, the u'' -> '' was all from 2to3, couldn't see an option to disable that fixer in it. Was mostly just a fun opportunity to see how much work would be required to make it work on Python 3.

Might take a look at CBash, but honestly the most interesting thing I think for me will be getting bolt.Path setup for the swapover to pathlib.

Utumno commented 4 years ago

See #368. A laudable goal but must come after the dust from moving to py3 settles - bear in mind that I had refactored Path using pathlib source tricks and that gave us a speed up and memory savings. So Path/GPath are good enough for now plus they are everywhere, including pickled settings so this would involve backward compatibility hacks that should be addressed all at once under #178 - yet another post py3

Utumno commented 4 years ago

A think neither me nor Infernio have found time to tackle yet is progress fixups on 15-wx3-upgrade branch - namely, Bash loses focus after some progress is displayed including on boot. That's the last (?) wrinkle to iron out for the wx3 merge which is a blocker for py3

Infernio commented 4 years ago

I edited and stuck two commits from lojack-py3 that looked backwards-compatible onto nightly: 2ac1c1b5253bff8eb3172a3d13c218e01531d62f and 47a978daebb8ab8fd3a0f338558802c86bd7c948.

Sharlikran commented 4 years ago

@lojack5 well whatever is the most fun is probably best. :smile:

The project could use any help you have time to provide. Good to see you.

Infernio commented 4 years ago

Looks like @Utumno isn't the only one who got this traceback when trying to use the Python version with chardet 3.0+. From the AFKMods thread:

 Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "Wrye Bash Launcher.pyw", line 89, in <module>
  File "bash\bash.py", line 204, in main
    wx_locale = localize.setup_locale(opts.language, _wx)
  File "bash\localize.py", line 89, in setup_locale
    target_name, target_locale.GetCanonicalName()))
  File "bash\bolt.py", line 1666, in deprint
    msg = u'%s %4d %s: ' % (GPath(file_).tail.s, line, function)
  File "bash\bolt.py", line 322, in GPath
    else: norm = os.path.normpath(decode(name))
  File "bash\bolt.py", line 126, in decode
    encoding,confidence = getbestencoding(byte_str)
  File "bash\bolt.py", line 107, in getbestencoding
    result = chardet.detect(bitstream)
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'detect'

py -2 -m pip install -U -r requirements.txt didn't work for the user either:

 DEPRECATION: Python 2.7 will reach the end of its life on January 1st, 2020. Please upgrade your Python as Python 2.7 won't be maintained after that date. A future version of pip will drop support for Python 2.7. More details about Python 2 support in pip, can be found at https://pip.pypa.io/en/latest/development/release-process/#python-2-support
Collecting https://bintray.com/loot/snapshots/download_file?file_path=loot_api_python-4.0.2-7-g580bf87_master-python2.7-win32.zip (from -r requirements.txt (line 8))
  Downloading https://bintray.com/loot/snapshots/download_file?file_path=loot_api_python-4.0.2-7-g580bf87_master-python2.7-win32.zip (5.3MB)
Requirement already up-to-date: chardet~=3.0 in c:\dev\python27\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 2)) (3.0.4)
Requirement already up-to-date: pywin32<225,>=220 in c:\dev\python27\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 3)) (224)
Collecting wxPython==
  Using cached https://github.com/wrye-bash/dev-tools/raw/master/wheels/wxPython-
Requirement already up-to-date: scandir~=1.9 in c:\dev\python27\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 6)) (1.10.0)
Requirement already up-to-date: pygit2~=0.28 in c:\dev\python27\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 9)) (0.28.2)
Requirement already up-to-date: pyfiglet~=0.8 in c:\dev\python27\lib\site-packages (from -r requirements.txt (line 10)) (0.8.post1)
Collecting py2exe==0.6.9
  Using cached https://github.com/wrye-bash/dev-tools/raw/master/wheels/py2exe-0.6.9-cp27-cp27m-win32.whl
Requirement already satisfied, skipping upgrade: cffi in c:\dev\python27\lib\site-packages (from pygit2~=0.28->-r requirements.txt (line 9)) (1.13.2)
Requirement already satisfied, skipping upgrade: six in c:\dev\python27\lib\site-packages (from pygit2~=0.28->-r requirements.txt (line 9)) (1.13.0)
Requirement already satisfied, skipping upgrade: pycparser in c:\dev\python27\lib\site-packages (from cffi->pygit2~=0.28->-r requirements.txt (line 9)) (2.19)
Installing collected packages: wxPython, py2exe, loot-api
  Found existing installation: wxPython
    Uninstalling wxPython-
      Successfully uninstalled wxPython-
  Found existing installation: py2exe 0.6.9
    Uninstalling py2exe-0.6.9:
      Successfully uninstalled py2exe-0.6.9
  Found existing installation: loot-api 4.0.2
    Uninstalling loot-api-4.0.2:
      Successfully uninstalled loot-api-4.0.2
    Running setup.py install for loot-api ... done
Successfully installed loot-api-4.0.2 py2exe-0.6.9 wxPython-
Utumno commented 4 years ago

Yep and it's indeed because of left over pyc files in Mopy/bash/chardet folder - wouldn't harm to delete pyc files in there at boot although it's a bit dirty

Utumno commented 4 years ago

The issue raised by lojack on str vs unicode is a concern - did some regexing and we have ~22k strings (not unicode) - this means every fourth line in the code - we should keep an eye and convert some to unicode or eliminate but still it' a lot...

Infernio commented 4 years ago

I got ~22000 with [^u]'\b[^'.]+\b', but I'm not that great with regexes so there's probably a better one.

Biggest targets, ordered by number of non-unicode strings:

lojack5 commented 4 years ago

Yeah, and unfortunately there's some implicit assumptions on how those bytes vs unicode strings are used in calling code all over the place as well. My branch was mostly just a POC to see if we could get Bash to start and mostly function on python 3 with phoenix. I'm fairly confident that it can't actually make a bashed patch due to the bytes vs. unicode issue.

GandaG commented 4 years ago

For future reference, here is a tiny script that helps finding all the uses of division:

import ast
import fnmatch
import os

for root, _, filenames in os.walk('Mopy'):
    for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, '*.py'):
        path = os.path.join(root, filename)
        linenos = []
        with open(path, "rt") as fopen:
            content = fopen.read()
            tree = ast.parse(content, filename=filename)
            last_lineno = None
            for node in ast.walk(tree):
                # Not all nodes in the AST have line numbers, remember latest one
                if hasattr(node, "lineno"):
                    last_lineno = node.lineno

                # If this is a division expression, then show the latest line number
                if isinstance(node, ast.Div):
        if linenos:
            print path
            print ", ".join((str(l) for l in linenos))
Infernio commented 4 years ago

@wrye-bash/bashers Please mark anything you come across that needs special handling during py3 upgrade, and can't be handled in py2 due to backwards compatibility issues, with a PY3: comment:

# PY3: Drop unicode=True, removed in py3

Basically, similar to how we use HACK right now.

Utumno commented 4 years ago

@lojack5 interesting work on Path - not sure about using the / operator though - it's not searchable and as the issue with division shows, we might better leave / for numbers. joinpath is perfectly searchable on the other hand, I would go for that in all cases

lojack5 commented 4 years ago

I like / personally, consistent with other languages that have path libraries, but either way is fine. I'll probably keep working for now though, see if this approach is even worthwhile (morphing bolt.Path to look like pathlib.Path slowly). If it is, I can split off the / stuff specifically.

Utumno commented 4 years ago

Pushed a lojack-py3-py3-dev1 till got tired of resolving conflicts - some of it is py2 compatible and should land on nightly like 9a5133f2811f090478e14dfaf8e8ca2316e92cbd, fcde88c5a8e24e7c9189a3e02f8eefc6c51a6e54, 0c6e1da3ef2fe724c59f112ac5e603f9af344e59 as is some work by @GandaG on his 460 branch - the sooner we rebase merge those (especially the unicode sting prefixing) the better as we should have quite a few conflicts otherwise

Infernio commented 4 years ago

I'm pretty sure Ganda's 460 branch is entirely backwards compatible, that was one of his goals (correct me if I'm wrong @GandaG :P)

Edit: pushed all (I think it's all of them) backwards-compatible changes from the lojack-py3 branches to nightly in c6d0f98e78d6a2fb747afbc8484b61eec1ccb472. The ArtProvider stuff is obsoleted by wx-begone.

Metallicow commented 4 years ago

Other than other folks python builds of wrye bash, the biggest issue is going to wx'Phoenix' as far as gui. The jump from 3.0 to phoenix wont be hard like 2.8 to 3.0.

The wxPython Project Phoenix development documentation is here: This is built from the latest snapshot build. Probably better than what your using, depending on what version you are looking for. https://wxpython.org/Phoenix/docs/html/index.html

The regular stable wxPython Project Phoenix documentation(The PyPi Version) is here: https://docs.wxpython.org/

NOTE: The differences in the urls

otherwise see the site https://wxpython.org/ or ask Robin.

Infernio commented 4 years ago

@GandaG I rebased your ganda-460 branch (see the creatively named ganda-460-rebased), fixing all conflicts, updating it to prefix recently introduced strings too (I hope I caught them all :P) and adding a few more WIP commits on top of it.

Infernio commented 4 years ago

Here's a script to find unprefixed strings in a file (or whole directory): https://gist.github.com/Infernio/813b24ddb1dd616c3533c1220cf4a4ab

Edit: I would suggest not reading the code, it's extremely hacky :P Just blindly trust it, it'll be fine.

Infernio commented 4 years ago

Alright, that script seems to be far more accurate than the regexes. Before ganda-460-rebased:

==> Total unprefixed strings found: 39454

After ganda-460-rebased:

==> Total unprefixed strings found: 36022

Yay, still 36000 to go... still, shaving off 3000+ strings is pretty impressive 😄 It's also not quite as bad as it seems, the vast majority are in game/*/records and game/*/constants, and almost all of those could be handled through search and replace with regexes (e.g. to handle all record signatures, '([A-Z]{4})' -> b'$1' would do).

If you want a full dump, here they are:

Utumno commented 4 years ago

Good job! Of course the issue is not really prefixing the stings is deciding which ones need to be bytes - even the record signatures could stay unicode and decode them - not sure if performance will be affected but if not (really) we could even go down that path

Infernio commented 4 years ago

Would probably be more work to find all the places where the signatures are written out than just regexing for them and making them b''-strings.

But yes, there are a lot of places where we do stuff like:

s = read_some_string()
if s == 'whatever':

And all those string constants can be unicode, because UTF-8 is backwards-compatible with ASCII. Same with e.g. arguments to open, getattr, etc.

Infernio commented 4 years ago

My biggest problem right now is bass.settings. Those are the only strings I've left completely untouched, because of the pickling involved. I think we might need to add some backwards-compat code that turns the stored settings into unicode and drop that in 308?

Utumno commented 4 years ago

I think we might need to add some backwards-compat code that turns the stored settings into unicode and drop that in 308?

and some code that prints out pickled class so we finally only pickle builtins. In py2 we can compare strings with unicode, so just start pickling unicode won't probably break anything

Infernio commented 4 years ago

even the record signatures could stay unicode and decode them

Thinking about this again, that might actually make sense - I think it'll be easier for the py3 transition to not do that so the record signatures stick out, but it's something to think about once we're on py3. Working with unicode internally and encoding/decoding at IO boundaries is generally a better idea than passing bytes around, after all.

Infernio commented 4 years ago

I finished off cint (would not recommend looking at that commit, it's a fairly unreadable and highly repetitive diff :P) and a few hundred more random strings in other files. Now down to:

==> Total unprefixed strings found: 26849

Note that ganda-460-rebased doesn't launch anymore - that's on purpose, I added a ton of asserts to brec to catch strings that should be unicode / should remain as bytes. But I haven't gotten around to changing any of them yet, so it will crash as soon as you select a game.

Utumno commented 4 years ago

Rebased the ganda-460-rebased on nightly - omg. Do not put any more work on it for now we should think of a better way - probably decode the record headers? If performance is minimal then it should work out of the box - other cases are kwargs (in wx must be bytes but probably fixed in wx4) and windows.py stuff (needs testing)

Infernio commented 4 years ago

Yeah, that is going to be ugly :P I don't know the best way to go about it either... maybe we should just stick them on dev unchecked after de-wx is merged? And then deal with any resulting fallout as it arrives

Utumno commented 4 years ago

I would probably do bunches of them like settings ,dirs, __slots__ etc

Infernio commented 4 years ago

Another thing to watch out for:

PS C:\Users\Infernio> py -2
Python 2.7.17 (v2.7.17:c2f86d86e6, Oct 19 2019, 21:01:17) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import struct
>>> struct.pack('I', 1.5)
>>> exit()
PS C:\Users\Infernio> py -3
Python 3.8.2 (tags/v3.8.2:7b3ab59, Feb 25 2020, 23:03:10) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import struct
>>> struct.pack('I', 1.5)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
struct.error: required argument is not an integer

In general, py3 seems to be much more picky when it comes to struct types (seems faster in exchange though).

Edit: thankfully, integer->whatever seems to work fine in py3, so I don't have to devise an algorithm to scan our MelStruct format strings and derive defaults:

PS C:\Users\Infernio> py -3
Python 3.8.2 (tags/v3.8.2:7b3ab59, Feb 25 2020, 23:03:10) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import struct
>>> struct.pack('f', 1)
Infernio commented 4 years ago

And another fun gotcha:

PS C:\Users\Infernio> py -2
Python 2.7.17 (v2.7.17:c2f86d86e6, Oct 19 2019, 21:01:17) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> class foo:
...     a = 10
>>> f = foo()
>>> getattr(f, u'a')
>>> getattr(f, b'a')
>>> exit()
PS C:\Users\Infernio> py -3
Python 3.8.2 (tags/v3.8.2:7b3ab59, Feb 25 2020, 23:03:10) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> class foo:
...     a = 10
>>> f = foo()
>>> getattr(f, u'a')
>>> getattr(f, b'a')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: getattr(): attribute name must be string

Especially fun in parsers, a few of the prefixes were wrong and would have passed bytestrings to getattr...

Edit: this will probably affect a whole bunch of patchers actually - may have to rethink all those getattr(modFile, type).getActiveRecords() calls we do

Utumno commented 4 years ago

Pushed yet another rebase of 460-pre-py3 and will start leaking on nightly cause maintenance becomes harder and harder, plus it must hit nightly anyway. I omitted the brec commit as it conflicts heavily with the splitting - not all of it may be needed anyways (especially in newer branches)

Infernio commented 3 years ago

Quick hack I came up with to emulate the getattr/setattr behavior of py3 in py2: https://gist.github.com/Infernio/2baa914ad6cf4bb4b3b2c170463a6615 Obviously doesn't work with __setattr__, __getattr__ and __getattribute__, so not sure how useful this would really be.

Infernio commented 3 years ago

Some info on opening a py2 pickle in py3: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28218466/unpickling-a-python-2-object-with-python-3

TL;DR is that it will try to decode all strings as ASCII, unless you tell it to leave them as bytestrings. This shouldn't affect the settings in any way (since they're all ASCII), but we'll have to check that we aren't storing anything non-ASCII as py2 strings in our pickles.

Edit: and the problem with just setting encoding='bytes' and calling it a day is of course this:

PS C:\Users\Infernio> py -2
Python 2.7.18 (v2.7.18:8d21aa21f2, Apr 20 2020, 13:25:05) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> b'foo' == u'foo'
PS C:\Users\Infernio> py -3
Python 3.8.5 (tags/v3.8.5:580fbb0, Jul 20 2020, 15:57:54) [MSC v.1924 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> b'foo' == u'foo'
Metallicow commented 3 years ago

In my app I save my settings as pickle and ini so when I jump to a different OS or Py2/3 I can retain them. Usually when the error occurs it is pickle protocol, so you should prob check that and if fails resort to ini if possible or other way to workaround.

lojack5 commented 3 years ago

The Installers.dat (don't remember the exact filename) has pickled bolt.Paths in it. Probably easiest to just rebuild the installers data on a failure, since in most cases the filenames will decode just fine.

Infernio commented 3 years ago

Those should already be unicode, IIRC we decode when constructing bolt.Paths.

Infernio commented 3 years ago

See Path.__init__: https://github.com/wrye-bash/wrye-bash/blob/604ebd31d2f20d26c06ab2d043f114f7e0abc26b/Mopy/bash/bolt.py#L477-L482

That calls Path.__setstate__, which decodes: https://github.com/wrye-bash/wrye-bash/blob/604ebd31d2f20d26c06ab2d043f114f7e0abc26b/Mopy/bash/bolt.py#L488-L493

Infernio commented 3 years ago

Pretty sure I've already noted this somewhere in a commit, but just for reference: getattr beats everything else in py3, including storing the bound __getattribute__ method in a variable: https://gist.github.com/Infernio/f3a2cb592afe805c5ff691f79f8e8e5d

lojack5 commented 3 years ago

Just an FYI from some stuff I've been working on that's lead to issues: for now I'd suggest targeting Python 3.8. Python 3.9 brought some ABI changes so a lot of compiled libraries are still catching up. Might not be an issue for Wrye Bash, because wxPython at least has nightlies for 3.9, though no stable releases yet.

Infernio commented 3 years ago

We definitely want to stay on wxPython 4.0.7.post2, the 4.1.x releases are unstable ones (wxWidgets and wxPython use a versioning system of x.y.z, where y being even indicates stable releases and y being odd indicates unstable releases). wxPython 4.2.x will be the next stable series of releases.

lojack5 commented 3 years ago

May be useful, found this randomly: https://pypi.org/project/future/ Fills in some of the gaps from python 2's future imports, aliases some things to what they will be when you update to python 3.

Infernio commented 3 years ago

That is quite nice, might be helpful to cut down on 2to3 noise.

Infernio commented 3 years ago

And another thing to watch out for:

PS C:\Users\Infernio> py -3
Python 3.9.0 (tags/v3.9.0:9cf6752, Oct  5 2020, 15:34:40) [MSC v.1927 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> 'Scanning: %s' % b'NPC_'
"Scanning: b'NPC_'"
>>> exit()
PS C:\Users\Infernio> py -2
Python 2.7.18 (v2.7.18:8d21aa21f2, Apr 20 2020, 13:25:05) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> 'Scanning: %s' % b'NPC_'
'Scanning: NPC_'
lojack5 commented 3 years ago

Quick question: how disruptive would it be to go ahead and prefix all the strings in brec and games? Dunno how much conflict resolution that would cause.