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Rework deleted records handling #653

Closed Utumno closed 1 year ago

Utumno commented 1 year ago

We must decide what we do with deleted records - at some point we thought we must ignore deleted ones (see for instance https://github.com/wrye-bash/wrye-bash/commit/88097f47c83f29808438bff3278b4b244e7dd667#commitcomment-50362630 and comments starting https://github.com/wrye-bash/wrye-bash/issues/480#issuecomment-778765402 ) but turns out we don't and since those are header only records we end up dumping "default" values which is uneeded and can lead to crashes in MelUnion elements that try to dump the wrong alternative. So:

This was triggered by trying to dump a MelUnion that was part of a deleted record and was setDefault to a _Tes4Fid while its flags prescribed an int - no action was run on dump - boom

Infernio commented 1 year ago

We should not touch deleted records at all. Things that cause crashes with these:

We shouldn't carry them forward. Either they come from an official file (i.e. a Bethesda DLC), in which case the record in question has become de facto nonexistent: you can't reference it any more and it's best to pretend it never existed at all. Or they come from a third party file, in which case that file is broken and has to be fixed by the author. Carrying them forward would also cause our own Plugin Checker to (rightfully) complain about the presence of deleted records.

Really, the only time the Deleted flag should be used is when developing a game master, i.e. by Bethesda, since then the CK will truly be able to delete the record in question. Any other use case creates land mines.

Utumno commented 1 year ago

Oh I see - and I was about to errr delete iter_present_records

Writing out a deleted record's header with subrecords after it (this is always a CTD IIRC).

Turns out this is just what we would do with that Dibella record before the FormId commit (see discord discussion) - so high time we got rid of this - probably the _Tes4Fid in setDefault should become a DummyFid then - I see no valid usecase where we dump a default FID

lojack5 commented 1 year ago

Writing out a deleted record's header with subrecords after it (this is always a CTD IIRC).

In this case, do we want to make MelRecord skip dumping subrecords if the deleted flag is set?

Infernio commented 1 year ago

As a safety precaution, in case we somehow do end up with deleted records inside a file we're writing, sure.

Hopefully it'll never come to that - the BP is currently ignoring deleted records from importing, merging, etc. IIRC - and if it doesn't, it should.

lojack5 commented 1 year ago

Well (Oblivion) DibellasWatchAddons.esp with Tweak Assorted -> Default Icons does trigger writing a deleted record with subrecords filled in currently.

It should be easy enough to implement that precaution though.

Infernio commented 1 year ago

Yeah, turns out tweakers use getActiveRecords: https://github.com/wrye-bash/wrye-bash/blob/c79c03a3955c4f91aa79c0c50b3eafefc70169a0/Mopy/bash/patcher/patchers/base.py#L143

Whereas preservers use iter_present_records and so skip deleted records.

Infernio commented 1 year ago

Figured out the cause of the remaining BSB tracebacks: deleted CELL records.


This causes a BSB of ((0, 0), (0, 0)), which then blows when compared to normal CELL BSBs. See 71eb2cad1fa74d6b8f9fd6c1bf7312edf7dce694 for the fix.