wrye-bash / wrye-bash

A swiss army knife for modding Bethesda games.
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Support TOML files on the INI Edits tab #661

Closed Infernio closed 1 year ago

Infernio commented 1 year ago

Both as a tweak format and as a target INI.

TOML is an INI-like format. It has some significant advantages over INI (standardized, fixed encoding (UTF-8)) but also some significant issues. Nevertheless, some big mods have adopted it (e.g. SSE Engine Fixes). Thankfully, none of those mods use any of the crazy features and so we can get by (for now) assuming that mod-added TOML files behave like INI files, barring some minor differences (only # as comment markers, inline comments everywhere (which we don't support yet but should)).

Already implemented on nightly, this is here so it shows up on the changelog.