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Add interface for transitions in user status #11

Open bentsherman opened 7 years ago

bentsherman commented 7 years ago

The typical path of a user goes like so:

  1. Register account, become Non-member
  2. Email computer engineer, become Intern
  3. Pass on-air test, become Active DJ

The first transition isn't really a problem, it's mostly just annoying for the computer engineer, but the second transition is often a problem because if the chief announcer doesn't update a new DJ's status and add the DJ's show, the new DJ can't access the logbook. One solution to this problem would be to add an interface for interns and DJs to submit a request online to be given a show time, and a control panel for senior staff to approve/deny requests. That way the DJ can request a time when they're ready, if the DJ is an intern, they'll be automatically bumped to Active.