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Add a "checked out" rotation state, checkout interface to music library #8

Closed bentsherman closed 7 years ago

bentsherman commented 7 years ago

The only gap left in the digital library pipeline is the checkout/review phase -- DJs can listen to albums online and review them online, but if they don't check out the physical CD, someone else might check it out, at which point one DJ will review it first and the other will have wasted a bunch of time. Therefore, we need a rotation state between TBR and Recently Reviewed:

To Be Reviewed -> Checked Out -> Recently Reviewed

With this new state, DJs should be able to check out a CD online, at which point it moves to "Checked Out" and no one else can review it. The DJ should be able to hold an album for up to 1 week, after which the album returns to TBR if it hasn't been reviewed.