Closed GoogleCodeExporter closed 9 years ago
I noticed that the RO package is not currently required by RO
provides DS9
support. Beyond that, on line 218 of chimera-cam, options.no_display is forced
= True
regardless of what was requested on the command line. I have just installed RO,
and I
think that if the options.no_display=True line were removed that things would
work. I
haven't been able to test this as part of chimera-cam as I don't have a real
CCD to
use and haven't yet made a fake camera driver that can download a DSS image for
testing purposes. That said, I was able to get it to work in python in general,
there is no reason that it shouldn't work in chimera-cam.
Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, May 28 2008, 11:25:18)
[GCC 4.2.3 (Gentoo 4.2.3 p1.0)] on linux2
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>>> from RO.DS9 import DS9Win
>>> ds9 = DS9Win(doRaise=True,doOpen=True)
>>> ds9.showFITSFile("~/Desktop/061102_0062.fits")
Original comment by
on 5 Jun 2008 at 12:35
I didn't put RO on because this feature was disabled, we should put it
soon as it works again.
I'll enable it and try with newer versions of RO, at one test machine I have
strange RO error when trying to contact DS9 via XPA.
You can use the FakeCamera driver to test this, It have support even for FITS
creation. Should be sufficient for now.
Original comment by ph.silva
on 5 Jun 2008 at 7:16
After commenting out the options.no_display=True, and adding an option that
the minimum 5-second exposure time, DS9 display works properly.
I will have another patch coming up shortly including a variety of random fixes
enhancements that includes adding a --force-display option to chimera-cam which
overrides the 5-second minimum exposure time.
I have tested --force-display, and at least on my own machine, it calls up DS9
works properly. As for the XPA issues you mention, did IRAF work properly with
it? As
far as I am concerned, this bug should be closed as fixed/works-for-me once the
override that prevents display is removed from chimera-cam.
Original comment by
on 6 Jun 2008 at 1:21
I found the problem, SBIG driver was firing readoutComplete event before
save the file, thus DS9 couldn't get the FITS file.
I've added RO to dependencies and enabled the display (still for >= 5
seconds images only).
fixed on r242, waiting your --force-display patch to close this issue.
Original comment by ph.silva
on 6 Jun 2008 at 6:24
I have a comprehensive patch for issue 3, issue 5, some other minor issues I
* scripts/chimera-cam:
- Add "--force-display" option to force display even if texp<5
- Fix issue where driver is never set to camera.getDriver() when using a remote
camera instrument
- Fix issue where chimera-cam --info gives incorrect (or no) camera driver
* scripts/chimera-tel:
- Fix issue where driver is never set to telescope.getDriver() when using a remote
telescope instrument
- Fix issue where chimera-tel --info gives incorrect (or no) telescope driver
* scripts/chimera-dome:
- Add "-t"/"--telescope" option to tell the dome what telescope to track
- Add "--track/--stand" commands to tell the dome to start/stop tracking the telescope
- Fix issue where chimera-dome --info gives incorrect (or no) dome driver
* chimera/controller/site/
- Add support for "-H"/"--host" and "-P"/"--port" options from command line of
* chimera/controllers/site/
- Add support for pyro host and port passed in the constructor
* chimera/core/
- Fix minor spelling errors in comments
* chimera/drivers/
- Fix slew code to set self._slewing=False when done slewing; otherwise, the dome
will refuse to track
* chimera/drivers/
- Add support for making simulated darks, flats, and grabbing DSS images and
applying simulated dark and flat to them.
- Use driver paramaters ccd_width and ccd_height to control size of simulated
darks and flats
- Use driver paramater use_dss=True to have images grabbed from DSS (when
telescope is aligned with dome and dome is open
Original comment by
on 6 Jun 2008 at 7:53
Yay for it not taking my upload
Original comment by
on 6 Jun 2008 at 7:55
Fixed on r243. Thanks for the patch.
Original comment by ph.silva
on 7 Jun 2008 at 12:09
Original issue reported on by
on 30 May 2008 at 9:09