wsdjeg / .SpaceVim.d

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[question] Inconsistent nvim files #31

Closed andersonba closed 8 years ago

andersonba commented 8 years ago

First, good job! 👍

I think that you're using a different vim version from the current README file. Some plugins don't work or have different keys binding or settings. Like the installed ctrlp package, you don't talked about it in docs.

Are you refactoring now?


wsdjeg commented 8 years ago

yes the readme need to be updated.please wait. ctrlp's hotkey is is default

andersonba commented 8 years ago

Nice, so, the nvim files are updated? Why did you removed C-[h, j, k, l]hotkeys used to moving between splits? I saw it in README too, it's very cool.

wsdjeg commented 8 years ago

@andersonba I using C-[up,down,left,right],even if in neovim's terminal buffer C - [j,k] is hotkeys for vim-multiple-cursors

call s:add('terryma/vim-multiple-cursors')
    let g:multi_cursor_next_key='<C-j>'
    let g:multi_cursor_prev_key='<C-k>'
    let g:multi_cursor_skip_key='<C-x>'
    let g:multi_cursor_quit_key='<Esc>'

ctrl + l is a translate tool, translate english word under the cursor to chinese. I do not use ctrl + h in normal mode

wsdjeg commented 8 years ago

@andersonba I have implement a new feature,you can list all the mappings in unite buffer with it's description. please see the picture in the readme of current repo.

andersonba commented 8 years ago

Awesome! 👍

wsdjeg commented 8 years ago

now you can use this func defind mappings; zvim#util#defindMap(type,key,value,desc,...) forexamp

call zvim#util#defindMap('nnoremap', '[Window]', '<Nop>'   , 'Defind window prefix'   ,'normal [Window]')
call zvim#util#defindMap('nmap'    , 's' , '[Window]', 'Use s as window prefix' ,'normal s')

call zvim#util#defindMap('nnoremap <silent>', '<Tab>', ':wincmd w<CR>', 'Switch to another buffer','wincmd w')
call zvim#util#defindMap('nnoremap <silent>', '[Window]p', ':<C-u>vsplit<CR>:wincmd w<CR>',
            \'vsplit vertically,switch to next window','vsplit | wincmd w')
call zvim#util#defindMap('nnoremap <silent>', '[Window]v', ':<C-u>split<CR>', 'split window','split')

then you will see 2016-04-23-21 26 17

if you select anyone the map will be exxcuted