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Use Vim as a Python IDE | SpaceVim #24

Open wsdjeg opened 6 years ago

wsdjeg commented 6 years ago

wsdjeg commented 6 years ago

ohh, the repl for python support should updated.

bolu-atx commented 5 years ago

Is there anyway to pass arguments to flake8 linter so I can disable certain warnings?

wsdjeg commented 5 years ago

please read :h neomake, in spacevim the lint plugin is neomake by default. you can use bootstrap function to config neomake.

apocalypse2012 commented 5 years ago

New to Spacevim. I cant get the python REPL to work. < SPC l s i > just puts me in insert mode. I have modified init as directed in these instructions. Cannot start a repl.

apocalypse2012 commented 5 years ago


mkhoudi commented 5 years ago

Is there a tutorial on how to use the ipython repl?