wseemann / FFmpegMediaMetadataRetriever

FFmpegMediaMetadataRetriever provides a unified interface for retrieving frame and meta data from an input media file.
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reading ID tags from google drive api v3 #243

Closed AlejandroGomz closed 1 year ago

AlejandroGomz commented 3 years ago


when getting Google Drive (Android Java, Drive Api V3) link like String link = fileInformationList.getFiles().get(i).getWebContentLink())

Link looks like<DriveFileID>&export=download&access_token=<AccessToken>&alt=media

&alt=media was added programmatically.

and using FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(link); FFmpegMediaMetadataRetriever mmr = new FFmpegMediaMetadataRetriever(); mmr.setDataSource(inputStream.getFD());

getting FileNotFoundException.

Opening the link in Edge, download or streaming is startet.

Does FFmpegMediaMetadataRetriever works with Google Drive? What's wrong in my code?

Thanks, Alejandro

wseemann commented 1 year ago

This library does not directly support Google drive links. In order to use a Google drive link you need to use the Drive API provided by Google to obtain the public URL of the content you wish to parse.