wseemann / ServeStream

Streaming Media Player for Android
Apache License 2.0
36 stars 20 forks source link

black theme like in 0.6.x #8

Open DJCrashdummy opened 6 years ago

DJCrashdummy commented 6 years ago

beforehand i have to say ServeStream is one of the most under-recognised apps i know... (i found it myself just accidentally years ago on fdroid)! it is the only webradio-player (beside for browsing) i need... thank you very much @wseemann, i love it!!!

anyhow i didn't upgrade to version 0.7.x because of the white theme which really flashes and looks a kind of misplaced at my android with a black default theme... it would be really nice to have an (optional) black theme again. and yes, i'm talking about a black theme, because this also helps to save even more energy especially with an AMOLED-display.

btw, completely unrelated but: