wshanks / Zutilo

Zotero plugin providing some additional editing features
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Feature request: set Accessed field to current date #158

Open clasqm opened 3 years ago

clasqm commented 3 years ago

I request the equivalent to the *NIX touch command. for the Accessed field

Currently I am creating an empty item, set the Accessed field to today, then use Zutilo to "Copy Item Fields", then paste those into the selected items and trash the empty item. This works, but it is cumbersome.

Example: I have a saved search for journal articles without attachments - mostly added on my home computer. When I get to my university account that is subscribed to the journals I let Zotero Search for PDFs. Finally I use Zotfile to move the PDFs to my Dropbox and link the Zotero items.

The problem here is that Zotero does not regard adding a PDF as enough of a modification to change the Date Modified field, so it becomes quite difficult to track down the documents I just changed to go on with the next operation once they disappear from my saved search . But changing the Accessed date does, so I can just go to My Library, sort by Date Modified and continue working on them.

Changing the Date Modified field directly would be even better. and more elegant, if that is possible