wshanks / Zutilo

Zotero plugin providing some additional editing features
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How to set Copy creators to clipboard to show as one line and comma between creators? #211

Open redleafnew opened 2 years ago

redleafnew commented 2 years ago

Hi, many thanks for the great plugin.

I would like to know how to set copy creators to clipboard to show as one line and comma between creators? And a line break between items. Exported

Expected: Zhan Haifei, Zhou Ying, Zhang Gang, Zhu Jihong, Zhang Weihong, Lu Chaofeng, Gu Yuantong Now: Zhan Haifei Zhou Ying Zhang Gang Zhu Jihong Zhang Weihong Lu Chaofeng Gu Yuantong

For Chinese: Expected: 陈珏锡, 张俊丰, 李源栋, 夏建军

Now: 陈 珏锡 张 俊丰 李 源栋 夏 建军

For multiple items expect to show like: Zhan Haifei, Zhou Ying, Zhang Gang, Zhu Jihong, Zhang Weihong, Lu Chaofeng, Gu Yuantong 陈珏锡, 张俊丰, 李源栋, 夏建军

The example items are attached.

Many thanks.