wshanks / Zutilo

Zotero plugin providing some additional editing features
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Zotero 7 #248

Open wshanks opened 1 year ago

wshanks commented 1 year ago

From the Zotero developer documentation:

All Zotero plugins will need to be updated for Zotero 7.

Zotero 7 plugins continue to be based on the legacy XUL/XPCOM Mozilla extension framework that provides full access to platform internals, but the Mozilla platform itself no longer supports this framework. All Firefox extensions are now based on the much more limited WebExtensions API shared with Chrome and other browsers, which provides sandboxed APIs for common integration points.

We have no plans to make similar restrictions in Zotero. However, due to the Mozilla platform changes, some integration techniques are no longer available, and all plugins will need to change the way they register themselves in Zotero.

I haven't tried to scope out how much work this requires. Luckily Zutilo is already a bootstrap extension so some of the transition steps have already been done. @qqobb do you have any interest in working on this? Since there has not been much activity in the repo recently, I think it would be simplest just to do a clean transition and not try to support 6 and 7 in the same branch.

qqobb commented 1 year ago

I haven't looked into the Zotero 7 update either. I can try to help with the transition, but I'm not sure how much I'll be able to do. Let's see if there's a good way to collaborate.

There are also a few minor (old) commits which I could still add to the Zotero 6 branch of Zutilo. I'll try to create related PRs this weekend.

SR-- commented 1 year ago

Just to say that it would be great to have it compatible with v7

redleafnew commented 1 year ago

Will it be compatible with zotero v7? Zotero 7 beta was released.

wshanks commented 1 year ago

I made an attempt at following the plugin transition guide for Zotero 7 in the zotero7 branch. The current status is that it is possible to install the xpi file. However, some of the Zutilo code uses deprecated API's, so besides seeing Zutilo show up in the preferences pane and the Addons Manager all it does is produce errors right now. Definitely do not install it in a profile you care about because it currently makes the Tools menu unusable which then makes it difficult to open the Addons Manager and remove it.

In the best case scenario, there are just some deprecated function calls that be easily migrated to new functions. It is possible though that Zutilo could rely on something that does not have an easy replacement and more work is needed to update it. The next step is to run Zutilo, check the error console, address the error, and repeat until it gets to a usable state or a bigger issue is discovered. I can't make any guarantees about a timeline for getting Zutilo to work with Zotero 7. Others are welcome to try doing more work on the update if they want to.

wshanks commented 1 year ago

I played with it some more. I fixed the mangling of the Tools menu, so now it is safer to test because you can access the menu to remove it.

I also updated some other deprecated function usage. Now, the default item menu items (copy tags, paste tags, copy item, relate items) are all working. The preferences pane is not working. The next thing to do is get the preference pane working so that the other menu items / shortcuts can be tested.

redleafnew commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your hard working.

danieltomasz commented 11 months ago

There was some interesting discussion regarding issues with Zotero7 transition on BetterBibtex repository, migh be useful; Is there any beta release to try and test?

wshanks commented 11 months ago

There was some interesting discussion regarding issues with Zotero7 transition on BetterBibtex repository, migh be useful; Is there any beta release to try and test?

No, I made one push of working on it back in June, but I have not come back to it so far. There is a zotero7 branch in the repo that has my latest attempts, but it is not working. I had asked some questions on the zotero-dev mailing list and got some replies, but I hadn't used those replies to get further so far.

xuxinliang commented 10 months ago

Thanks for your hard working.

huachuman commented 8 months ago

Thanks for your attempts at the update. As increasing numbers of developers are refusing to work on their addons for zotero 6 because it's near the end of its life, I am beginning to hold hope that those addons I consider core to Zotero usability will be ported to Z7, and a m particularly hopeful Zutilo will make the list.

topps commented 4 months ago

I certainly appreciate all your hard work on this and also how much more difficult it will be to fix, given that the framework is now very much more restricted. To take the pressure off a little (and I hope this does not come across as unappreciative of your efforts), I have found a workaround for the most important function that Zutilo provided for me: copy item link. This functionality is now also provided by and is compatible with Zotero 7. It is a bit finicky to work with the provided Javascript action scripts, and some will be uncomfortable with allowing 3rd party Javascript to interact directly with their machine. But it does work. Thanks again for all your hard work.

danieltomasz commented 4 months ago

hi @topps if you need just (markdown) link, you can try use a markdown zotero translator as a workaround

justinbrbooth commented 4 months ago

Has there been any progress on this? I'm looking at switching to zotero for reading papers and being able to use proper keyboard navigation would be a huge plus