wsick / Fayde.DataVis

Controls library for data visualization for Fayde.
MIT License
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Change Line Color in Chart "Fayde.DataVis" #1

Open BSick7 opened 8 years ago

BSick7 commented 8 years ago

Moving here from

BSick7 commented 8 years ago



1) How we can change line Color in Change "Fayde.DataVis".

2) Is it possible to Binding Minimun and Maximum Property. Source Code Below



BSick7 commented 8 years ago

Every Series (the base of LineSeries) has a SeriesPresenter (LineSeriesPresenter). The LineSeriesPresenter allows you to set the LineStyle.

BSick7 commented 8 years ago


Hi, Thanks Dear. When I set Style Globally than it work but when I set style to particular series than Fayde crash. ::Style Code are Below::

   <Style x:Key="LineSeries_QuotePrice" TargetType="dv:LineSeriesPresenter">
      <Setter Property="LineStyle">
          <Style TargetType="Polyline">
            <Setter Property="Stroke" Value="Red" />
            <Setter Property="StrokeThickness" Value="1" />

:: Code for Line Series::

<dv:LineSeries ItemsSource="{Binding ProductBid_ChartData}" IndependentValuePath="Category" DependentValuePath="Value_LivePrice">
  <dv:LineSeriesPresenter LineStyle="{StaticResource LineSeries_QuotePrice}"/>

Please guide me.

BSick7 commented 8 years ago

You are setting the LineStyle to a style for LineSeriesPresenter. You should either



BSick7 commented 8 years ago

Hi dear,

Can you provide small code for LineStyle in Chart?