wsick / Fayde

Inspired by Silverlight; XAML engine using Javascript and rendering to the HTML5 Canvas.
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TextBox Background #191

Closed angelcalvasp closed 8 years ago

angelcalvasp commented 8 years ago

Hello everyone

when you set TextBox Background color you get a border of the color but the Textboxes Background color does not change don't know if I'm doing something wrong

heres the xaml

<Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" >

        <TextBox FontSize="12" BorderThickness="0" Width="100" Height="25" Background="Red" />

heres the output


BSick7 commented 8 years ago

This is a bug. The theme for a TextBox sets the inner background to {x:Null} which is not being obeyed. Working on a fix now.

BSick7 commented 8 years ago

Fixed in v0.19.2.

angelcalvasp commented 8 years ago

Woah that was fast