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Error responses Hospital-Service-JDK11-2.0.0.jar #67

Open Marsanm opened 4 years ago

Marsanm commented 4 years ago

Hi im have a error in some responses. An example:

Expected response: { "appointmentNo":1, "doctorName":"thomas collins", "patient":"John Doe", "actualFee":7000.0, "discount":20, "discounted":5600.0, "paymentID":"480fead2-e592-4791-941a-690ad1363802", "status":"Settled" }

Reiceved: { "patient":"John Doe", "actualFee":7000.0, "discount":20, "discounted":5600.0, "paymentID":"480fead2-e592-4791-941a-690ad1363802", "status":"Settled" }

An other issue is some url to service couldnt be found(http://localhost:9090/healthcare/appointments/validity/${appointmentNo}), when i am trying to send a mail with BPS i cant because noOfDays give me a error:

ERROR {} - Activiti Exception Occured org.activiti.engine.ActivitiException: Unknown property used in expression: ${noOfDays >2}

if use a GET with some pacient added before i recieve this reponse: Problem accessing: /healthcare/appointments/validity/1. Reason: Not Found

Im following Tutorial step by step and I've done it twice with same result.