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[GraphQL API Designer] Ctrl + click works only for GraphQL root service-level (operation) fields #549

Open MaryamZi opened 2 months ago

MaryamZi commented 2 months ago

Description: $title. Can't we support the same for output object types?

Steps to reproduce:

import ballerina/graphql;

service class Address {
    resource function get number() returns int {
        return 100;

    resource function get street() returns string {
        return "";

    resource function get city() returns string {
        return "";

service class Profile {
    resource function get id() returns int {
        return 100;

    resource function get name() returns string {
        return "";

    resource function get address() returns Address {
        return new;

service on new graphql:Listener(9000) {
    resource function get profile() returns Profile {
        return new;

Ctrl + click works only for /root - profile. Can we make it work for Profile and Address too? May apply to records also, but would be with fields (not methods).

Affected Versions: Ballerina 2201.8.6 Ballerina Plugin v4.5.8