As per BOI guidelines to the ISRAEL open banking validUntilDate for account consent date should be saved as follows.
"This parameter is requesting a valid until date for the requested consent. The content is the local ASPSP date in ISODate Format, e.g. 2017-10-30.Future dates might get adjusted by ASPSP. If a maximal available date is requested, a date in far future is to be used: "9999-12-31". In both cases, the consent object to be retrieved by the GET Consent Request will contain the adjusted date.
To enable add the following configs to the /repository/conf/deployment.toml under tag.
enable = true
val = 365
val depends on the number of days the validUntil date is allowed, for example to allow it for one year the value is 365. For two years it should be 730.
Affected OB version:
OB 2.0.0
Affected OB specifications:
Existing pages to be updated:
Description (Optional):
As per BOI guidelines to the ISRAEL open banking validUntilDate for account consent date should be saved as follows.
"This parameter is requesting a valid until date for the requested consent. The content is the local ASPSP date in ISODate Format, e.g. 2017-10-30.Future dates might get adjusted by ASPSP. If a maximal available date is requested, a date in far future is to be used: "9999-12-31". In both cases, the consent object to be retrieved by the GET Consent Request will contain the adjusted date.
To enable add the following configs to the/repository/conf/deployment.toml under tag.
enable = true
val = 365
val depends on the number of days the validUntil date is allowed, for example to allow it for one year the value is 365. For two years it should be 730.
Release date: