Then apimanager instance was up an running correctly
Then configure as below :
(xi) Copy the following two entries from resources/ to /repository/conf/security/
and uncomment them by removing the "#" :
"Service.LoggingConfig.ArchivedPassword", "Service.LoggingConfig.Password".
(xii) Copy the following two entries from resources/ to /repository/conf/security/
and uncomment them by removing the "#" :
"Service.LoggingConfig.ArchivedPassword", "Service.LoggingConfig.Password".
(xiii) Enter the passwords for the two entries copied in step (xiii) within the square-brackets. The passwords are the values defined for
'archivedPassword' and 'password' in /repository/conf/etc/logging-config.xml respectively.
(xiv) Excecute the ciphertool in /bin with the parameter -Dconfigure
example: sh -Dconfigure
(xv) Now to encrypt the log4j.appender.LOGEVENT.password in, execute the ciphertool in /bin without any
parameters. Enter the password when it prompts for a Plain text. It will generate the encrypt value for the Plain text.
(xvi) Add the entry, "Log4j.Appender.LOGEVENT.Password=" followed by the encrypted value obtained in step (xvi) to
(xvii) Check if the following values are there and if not add them to /repository/conf/
P.S.: The truststorePath and trustStorePassword should be the one that is defined in carbon.xml
(xviii) In /repository/conf/, change the value for log4j.appender.LOGEVENT.password and
log4j.appender.LOGEVENT.trustStorePassword as follows:
I have provided password as : password.
Following exception is thrown.
By Ushani Balasooriya from