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Integrate Branding capabilities to the Authentication, Recovery & My Account portals using `file_based` approach. #15729

Closed brionmario closed 1 year ago

brionmario commented 1 year ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

ATM, there's no way to add branding to the Authentication, Recovery and My Account portal OOTB. The current approach to brand Authentication and Recovery is to go through a manual process that doesn't have any framework (

Describe the solution you would prefer It would be better to implement a structured OOTB branding support that's unified across the portals. This approach can be file-based, maybe based on a JSON file. And users could persist the branding per organization and app wise as well.

brionmario commented 1 year ago

Progress as per (09-06-2023)

Authentication / Recovery

Extensions folder structure.

└── branding
    ├── APP # app wise branding
    │   └── peoplehr
    │       └── en-US
    │           ├── branding-preference.json
    │           └── stylesheets
    │               └── override.css
    └── ORG # tenant wise branding
        │   └── en-US
        │       ├── branding-preference.json
        │       └── stylesheets
        │           └── override.css
            └── en-US
                ├── branding-preference.json
                └── stylesheets
                    └── override.css

Sample tenant's customization.

Screenshot 2023-06-08 at 14 01 28

My Account

Extensions folder structure.

└── branding
    │   └── en-US
    │       ├── branding-preference.json
    │       └── stylesheets
    │           └── override.css
        └── en-US
            ├── branding-preference.json
            └── stylesheets
                └── override.css

Sample tenant's customization.

Screenshot 2023-06-08 at 14 08 37

Structure of the branding-preference.json.

  "type": "ORG",
  "name": "netflixdemo",
  "locale": "en-US",
  "preference": {
    "configs": {
      "isBrandingEnabled": true,
      "removeDefaultBranding": false
    "layout": {
      "activeLayout": "centered"
    "organizationDetails": {
      "copyrightText": "© Netflix Inc 2023. All Rights Reserved.",
      "siteTitle": "Netflix",
      "supportEmail": ""
    "theme": {
      "activeTheme": "DARK",
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            "title": "Account"
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            "imgURL": "",
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    "stylesheets": {
      "accountApp": "extensions/branding/ORG/",
      "selfcareApp": "/myaccount/extensions/branding/"
    "urls": {
      "cookiePolicyURL": "",
      "privacyPolicyURL": ""
brionmario commented 1 year ago

Suggested Improvements

Assignee: @Yoshani

1. Folder Structure Improvements

Suggested Structure

Authentication/ Recovery
└── branding
    │   ├── apps
    │   │   ├── logomaker
    │   │   │   ├── stylesheets
    │   │   │   │   └── override.css
    │   │   │   ├── branding-preference_en_US.json
    │   │   │   └── branding-preference_de_DE.json
    │   │   └── salesforce
    │   │       ├── stylesheets
    │   │       │   └── override.css
    │   │       ├── branding-preference_en_US.json
    │   │       └── branding-preference_de_DE.json
    │   ├── stylesheets
    │   │   └── override.css
    │   ├── branding-preference_en_US.json
    │   └── branding-preference_de_DE.json
        ├── apps
        │   ├── peoplehr
        │   │   ├── stylesheets
        │   │   │   └── override.css
        │   │   ├── branding-preference_en_US.json
        │   │   └── branding-preference_de_DE.json
        │   └── opd-claims
        │       ├── stylesheets
        │       │   └── override.css
        │       ├── branding-preference_en_US.json
        │       └── branding-preference_de_DE.json
        ├── stylesheets
        │   └── override.css
        ├── branding-preference_en_US.json
        └── branding-preference_de_DE.json
My Account
└── branding
    │   ├── stylesheets
    │   │   └── override.css
    │   ├── branding-preference_en_US.json
    │   └── branding-preference_de_DE.json
        ├── stylesheets
        │   └── override.css
        ├── branding-preference_en_US.json
        └── branding-preference_de_DE.json

2. Layout resolver improvements.

Currently, adding layouts should be done manually. (

We can make use of the activeLayout property in branding-preference.json to resolve prefered layout.


Yoshani commented 1 year ago

Layout resolver improvements

Suggested structure

└── branding
    │   ├── apps
    │   │   ├── logomaker
    │   │   │   ├── stylesheets
    │   │   │   │   └── override.css
    │   │   │   ├── branding-preference_en_US.json
    │   │   │   ├── branding-preference_de_DE.json
    │   │   │   └── layouts
    │   │   │       ├── centered
    │   │   │       │   ├── body.ser
    │   │   │       │   └── body.html
    │   │   │       └── top-left
    │   │   │           ├── body.ser
    │   │   │           └── body.html
    │   │   └── salesforce
    │   │       ├── stylesheets
    │   │       │   └── override.css
    │   │       ├── branding-preference_en_US.json
    │   │       └── branding-preference_de_DE.json
    │   ├── stylesheets
    │   │   └── override.css
    │   ├── branding-preference_en_US.json
    │   ├── branding-preference_de_DE.json
    │   └── layouts
    │       └── bottom-right
    │           ├── body.ser
    │           └── body.html
        ├── apps
        │   ├── peoplehr
        │   │   ├── stylesheets
        │   │   │   └── override.css
        │   │   ├── branding-preference_en_US.json
        │   │   ├── branding-preference_de_DE.json
        │   │   └── layouts
        │   │       └── custom
        │   │           ├── body.ser
        │   │           └── body.html
        │   └── opd-claims
        │       ├── stylesheets
        │       │   └── override.css
        │       ├── branding-preference_en_US.json
        │       └── branding-preference_de_DE.json
        ├── stylesheets
        │   └── override.css
        ├── branding-preference_en_US.json
        └── branding-preference_de_DE.json

The activeLayout property in branding-preference.json can be used to resolve the preferred layout.

The improvement also facilitates adding fully customised Product Header and Product Footer tenant-wise and app-wise by adding the customised product-title.jsp and product-footer.jsp files into the relevant layouts folder.

Yoshani commented 1 year ago

Final PRs

Docs PR

asekawa commented 9 months ago
Yoshani commented 9 months ago

Fix impacts on-prem environment only.