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`javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory` property is not honoured and leads to `DOM Element node adoption failed` error #20441

Open vfraga opened 2 months ago

vfraga commented 2 months ago

Describe the issue: When marshalling (serialising) an OpenSAML XMLObject using the SSOUtils::marshall(XMLObject) method [1], the Identity Server tries to set the javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory property at runtime before starting the operations using the OpenSAML/Shibboleth helper classes to get the equivalent SAML XML String from the Java OpenSAML XMLObject. However, the AbstractXMLObjectMarshaller::marshall(XMLObject) method relies on a parser pool to create a new document to act as a root document:

public Element marshall(@Nonnull XMLObject xmlObject) throws MarshallingException {
    try {
        Document document = XMLObjectProviderRegistrySupport.getParserPool().newDocument();
        return this.marshall(xmlObject, document);
    } catch (XMLParserException var3) {
        XMLParserException e = var3;
        throw new MarshallingException("Unable to create Document to place marshalled elements in", e);

This document is of class, instead of the expected org.apache.xerces.dom.DeferredDocumentImpl, because the parser pool was already initialised before the javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory property was set at runtime at the start of the SSOUtils::marshall(XMLObject) method. Supposedly, when the SAMLInitializer::doBootstrap() method was called.

This causes an error when trying to unmarshall (deserialise) an SAML XML String into a OpenSAML Java XMLObject and then marshall (serialise) it again back into a SAML XML String:

Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: DOM Element node adoption failed. This is most likely caused by the Element and Document being produced by different DOM implementations.
    at org.opensaml.saml.common.AbstractSAMLObjectMarshaller.marshall(
    at org.wso2.carbon.identity.application.authenticator.samlsso.util.SSOUtils.marshall(
    ... 73 more

Related code:

public static void adoptElement(@Nonnull Document adopter, @Nonnull Element adoptee) {
    Constraint.isNotNull(adoptee, "Adoptee Element may not be null");
    Constraint.isNotNull(adopter, "Adopter Element may not be null");
    if (!adoptee.getOwnerDocument().isSameNode(adopter) && adopter.adoptNode(adoptee) == null) {
        throw new RuntimeException("DOM Element node adoption failed. This is most likely caused by the Element and Document being produced by different DOM implementations.");

Example situation:

String decodedResponse = new String(org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64.decodeBase64(request.getParameter(
XMLObject samlObject = SSOUtils.unmarshall(decodedResponse);

//Prints 'org.apache.xerces.dom.DeferredDocumentImpl'
System.out.println(((Response) samlObject).getAssertions().get(0).getDOM().getOwnerDocument().getClass().getCanonicalName());  

//Prints ''

How to reproduce:

  1. Set up one Identity Server instance as a SAML Service Provider and use it as a SAML IdP for Federated Authentication in a second Identity Server instance.
  2. Set up an example service provider, and change the 'Local & Outbound Authentication' settings to use the new SAML IdP as the Federated Authenticator.
  3. Clone and compile the custom SAML SSO Manager [2], and add the configuration below to the deployment.toml file of the second instance:
    SAML2SSOManager = ""
    • This custom SAML SSO Manager has a code line that will try to marshall the obtained assertion [3].
  4. Go through the normal login flow in the example application to trigger the error.

Expected behavior: It should be possible to unmarshall and marshall the XMLObject in sequence, as they should've been the same DOM Implementation.

Environment information:

[1] [2] [3]

vfraga commented 2 months ago

It should be possible to address this issue by changing the SAMLSSOManager::doBootstrap() method to set the javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory property before calling SAMLInitializer::doBootstrap(), as in the example [1]. Additionally, setting the property directly in the startup script also addressed the issue.


AnjanaSamindraPerera commented 1 month ago

@vfraga and I tried to reproduce this locally and couldn't. We should try a different way to produce this from the code [1].
