When deploying the file connector via multiple Carbon applications, the following error is observed when undeploying one of the Carbon applications that contains the file connector:
[2024-09-05 15:05:03,082] ERROR {SynapseAppDeployer} - Error occured while deleting the synapse library import
[2024-09-05 15:05:03,082] ERROR {LibraryArtifactDeployer} - Artifact representing the filename /Users/sajithmadhusanka/Documents/CS/SETUP/APIM4.1.0/wso2mi-4.1.0/tmp/carbonapps/-1234/1725528812990file_connector_5CompositeExporter_1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.car/file-connector_4.0.30/file-connector-4.0.30.zip is not deployed on Synapse
This error occurs when removing a Carbon application that contains the file connector but was not deployed as a file connector library (as only one file connector library is deployed even if included in multiple Carbon applications).
The error messages indicate that the file connector library was not undeployed because it was not deployed as a library in the specific Carbon application. Therefore, there is no need for concern regarding these error messages.
Hence, the log level for these messages should not be set to ERROR since no action is required to resolve them. It should be changed to either WARN or DEBUG.
Hi Team,
When deploying the file connector via multiple Carbon applications, the following error is observed when undeploying one of the Carbon applications that contains the file connector:
This error occurs when removing a Carbon application that contains the file connector but was not deployed as a file connector library (as only one file connector library is deployed even if included in multiple Carbon applications).
The error messages indicate that the file connector library was not undeployed because it was not deployed as a library in the specific Carbon application. Therefore, there is no need for concern regarding these error messages.
Hence, the log level for these messages should not be set to ERROR since no action is required to resolve them. It should be changed to either WARN or DEBUG.
Regards, Rizmeer
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