I'm trying to use a queue from Tibco EMS as a source of the Siddhi application.
For that, I used the documentation about ActiveMQ as a reference and generated successfully the OSGi-converted jar for the tibjms.jar.
Within this step I was able to Register the InitialContextFactory:
C:\PROGRA~1\WSO2\STREAM~1\446521~1.0\bin>icf-provider.bat com.tibco.tibjms.naming.TibjmsInitialContextFactory C:/DevTools/tibjms.jar C:/DevTools/
JAVA_HOME environment variable is set to C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_151
CARBON_HOME environment variable is set to C:\PROGRA~1\WSO2\STREAM~1\446521~1.0\bin..
Feb 18, 2020 10:46:05 PM org.wso2.carbon.tools.spi.ICFProviderTool execute
INFO: Executing 'jar uf C:\DevTools\tibjms\tibjms.jar -C C:\DevTools\tibjms \internal\CustomBundleActivator.class'
Feb 18, 2020 10:46:05 PM org.wso2.carbon.tools.spi.ICFProviderTool addBundleActivatorHeader
INFO: Running jar to bundle conversion
Feb 18, 2020 10:46:06 PM org.wso2.carbon.tools.converter.utils.BundleGeneratorUtils convertFromJarToBundle
INFO: Created the OSGi bundle tibjms_1.0.0.jar for JAR file C:\DevTools\tibjms\tibjms.jar
Then, I created the OSGI-converted jars for the remaining tibco ems jars:
At this point, I copied all the OSGI jars to the "/lib" directory and the original jars to the "/samples/sample-clients/lib" directory.
Next, I send a couple messages to the queue "queue.sample" a testing message with the textbody "hello queue".
Then, I created the following Siddhi application to use the EMS queue a source:
@App:description('Use EMS que as SP source')
I'm trying to use a queue from Tibco EMS as a source of the Siddhi application.
For that, I used the documentation about ActiveMQ as a reference and generated successfully the OSGi-converted jar for the tibjms.jar.
Within this step I was able to Register the InitialContextFactory:
C:\PROGRA~1\WSO2\STREAM~1\446521~1.0\bin>icf-provider.bat com.tibco.tibjms.naming.TibjmsInitialContextFactory C:/DevTools/tibjms.jar C:/DevTools/ JAVA_HOME environment variable is set to C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_151 CARBON_HOME environment variable is set to C:\PROGRA~1\WSO2\STREAM~1\446521~1.0\bin.. Feb 18, 2020 10:46:05 PM org.wso2.carbon.tools.spi.ICFProviderTool execute INFO: Executing 'jar uf C:\DevTools\tibjms\tibjms.jar -C C:\DevTools\tibjms \internal\CustomBundleActivator.class' Feb 18, 2020 10:46:05 PM org.wso2.carbon.tools.spi.ICFProviderTool addBundleActivatorHeader INFO: Running jar to bundle conversion Feb 18, 2020 10:46:06 PM org.wso2.carbon.tools.converter.utils.BundleGeneratorUtils convertFromJarToBundle INFO: Created the OSGi bundle tibjms_1.0.0.jar for JAR file C:\DevTools\tibjms\tibjms.jar Then, I created the OSGI-converted jars for the remaining tibco ems jars:
jms-2.0.jar tibemsd_sec.jar tibjmsadmin.jar tibjmsapps.jar tibjmsufo.jar tibrvjms.jar At this point, I copied all the OSGI jars to the "/lib" directory and the original jars to the "/samples/sample-clients/lib" directory.
Next, I send a couple messages to the queue "queue.sample" a testing message with the textbody "hello queue".
Then, I created the following Siddhi application to use the EMS queue a source:
@App:name('TIBCOQueueSource') @App:description('Use EMS que as SP source')
@source(type = 'jms', destination = "queue.sample", factory.initial = "com.tibco.tibjms.naming.TibjmsInitialContextFactory", provider.url = "tcp://", @map(type = 'text')) define stream inputStream (name string);
@info(name='query_name') from inputStream select name insert into outputStream;
from outputStream#log("logger") select * insert into tmp; Finally, when I run or launch an event simulator I got the following error in the logs:
[2020-02-18 22:59:31,006] ERROR {org.wso2.siddhi.core.SiddhiAppRuntime} - Error starting Siddhi App 'TIBCOQueueSource', triggering shutdown process. javax/jms/JMSContext
So, based on this discription am I doing something wrong? Am i missing any step of the process?
Tks in advance for all the help
Affected Product Version: SP 4.4.0