wso2 / streaming-integrator-tooling

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ETL Wizard - Cannot configure deletion in RDBMS table in ETL destination #117

Open sybernix opened 4 years ago

sybernix commented 4 years ago

Description: The following siddhi app cannot be implemented using ETL wizard


@source(type = 'cdc', url = 'jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/production?useSSL=false', username = 'root', password = 'root', = 'UnregisteredUserTable', operation = 'insert',
    @map(type = 'keyvalue'))
define stream unregisterUserStream (user_id long, status string);

@Store(type="rdbms", jdbc.url="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/production?useSSL=false", username="root", password="root","com.mysql.jdbc.Driver")
define table UserDataTable (user_id long, username string, reg_date string, package string, address string, mobile_number string);

@info(name='Delete User Data Query') 
from unregisterUserStream
delete UserDataTable
    on UserDataTable.user_id == user_id;

RDBMS store destination only allows insertions in ETL wizard

Affected Product Version: 1.1.0