wso2 / streaming-integrator-tooling

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The error message displayed when you configure a Kafka source without adding the Kafka jars is not helpful. #121

Open RukshiW opened 4 years ago

RukshiW commented 4 years ago


When you add a Kafka source without installing Kafka to work with Tooling, you are able to save the Siddhi file and the tooling logs indicate that the Siddhi application is successfully deployed. However, an error appears as shown in the screenshot.

Screenshot 2020-09-15 at 12 41 32

Here the error message is just a path and does not help a user to understand what he/she needs to correct

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Affected Product Version: All

Steps to reproduce:

Try the following in a Streaming Integrator tooling pack where the required Kafka jars are not added to the <SI_TOOLING_HOME>/lib directory.

In Streaming Integrator Tooling, add this Siddhi application to a new file and save.

    @App:description('Receive events via file and publish to Kafka topic')

    @source(type = 'file', mode = "LINE", file.uri = "file:/Users/foo/productions.csv", tailing = "true",
        @map(type = 'csv'))
    define stream SweetProductionStream (name string, amount double);

    @sink(type = 'kafka', bootstrap.servers = "localhost:9092", topic = "total_production", is.binary.message = "false", = "0",
        @map(type = 'json'))
    define stream TotalProductionStream (name string, amount long);

    -- Simple Siddhi query to calculate production totals.
    @info(name = 'query1')
    from SweetProductionStream 
    select name, sum(amount) as amount 
    group by name
    insert into TotalProductionStream;

The Siddhi application is saved, but an error is indicated for the Kafka source as shown in the screenshot. The content of the error is "org/apache/kafka/clients/producer/Producer".

It does not indicate what the error is or what the user needs to do to fix it.