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Status of OpenJDK and Oracle JDK builds with IS #607

Closed kasunbg closed 6 years ago

kasunbg commented 6 years ago

Description: We need to determine what is the latest of IS 5.4.1 with OpenJDK and OracleJDK.

Affected Product Version: 0.9.0-m17

OS, DB, other environment details and versions:
OpenJDK 8/9 OracleJDK 8/9

Steps to reproduce: We need to run this with Harshan's cloudformation scripts.

Related Issues:

565 #560

pasindujw commented 6 years ago

An Update: We had faced the issue #608 and being fixed successfully. Continuing on testing ATM with the new TestGrid deployment.

pasindujw commented 6 years ago

Update2: Received the following error when running for UBUNTU | ORACEL JDK 9 | MySQL 5.7 (The server was not starting up. Logged into the is-node and trying to manually start the server, received the following.)

 Starting WSO2 Carbon (in unsupported JDK)
 [ERROR] CARBON is supported only on JDK 1.7 and 1.8
JAVA_HOME environment variable is set to /usr/lib/jvm/java-9-oracle
CARBON_HOME environment variable is set to /opt/wso2/wso2is-5.4.0
Using Java memory options: -Xms256m -Xmx1024m
-Djava.endorsed.dirs=/opt/wso2/wso2is-5.4.0/lib/endorsed:/usr/lib/jvm/java-9-oracle/jre/lib/endorsed:/usr/lib/jvm/java-9-oracle/lib/endorsed is not supported. Endorsed standards and standalone APIs
in modular form will be supported via the concept of upgradeable modules.
Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.
pasindujw commented 6 years ago

wso2is-LTS status as at 22/03/2018

Combination Deployment Status Reason
UBUNTU | ORACEL JDK 9 | MySQL 5.7 Stack created.Infrastructure configured.Product deployed.Tests didn’t run ERROR WSO2-IS doesn’t starting up in JDK 9.Starting WSO2 Carbon (in unsupported JDK) [ERROR] CARBON is supported only on JDK 1.7 and 1.8Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.
UBUNTU | ORACEL JDK 8 | MySQL 5.7 Stack createdInfrastructure configured.Product deployed.Tests executed. Fail Tests are failing.(Jenkins Log: intermittant failures to start the product due to following;
UBUNTU | OPEN JDK 9 | MySQL 5.7 Stack created.Infrastructure configured.Product deployed.Tests didn’t run ERROR WSO2-IS doesn’t starting up in JDK 9. (Similar to Oracle JDK9)(Refer: )
UBUNTU | OPEN JDK 8 | MySQL 5.7 Stack createdInfrastructure configured.Product deployed.Tests executed. Fail Tests are failing (Jenkins Log: )
CentOS | ORACEL JDK 9 | MySQL 5.7 Stack created.Infrastructure not configured properly. ERROR The workaround-CF-script written by TestGrid faced issues with CentOS due to using ubuntu-specific commands and user-name (“ubuntu”) in the scripts. The team will be looking into this.
CentOS | ORACEL JDK 8 | MySQL 5.7 Stack created.Infrastructure not configured properly. ERROR The workaround-CF-script written by TestGrid faced issues with CentOS due to using ubuntu-specific commands and user-name (“ubuntu”) in the scripts. The team will be looking into this.
CentOS | OpenJDK 9 | MySQL 5.7 Stack created.Infrastructure not configured properly. ERROR The workaround-CF-script written by TestGrid faced issues with CentOS due to using ubuntu-specific commands and user-name (“ubuntu”) in the scripts. The team will be looking into this.
CentOS | OpenJDK 8 | MySQL 5.7 Stack created.Infrastructure not configured properly. ERROR The workaround-CF-script written by TestGrid faced issues with CentOS due to using ubuntu-specific commands and user-name (“ubuntu”) in the scripts. The team will be looking into this.