wsular / urbanova-aqnet-rpi-node

Experimental air quality research package based on Raspberry Pi and popular low-cost sensors
MIT License
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Improve local storage to TSV #10

Open patricktokeeffe opened 6 years ago

patricktokeeffe commented 6 years ago

Can we transition the TSV files to psuedo-TOA5? (relocated from comment on #9)

Campbell Scientific TOA5

Excerpted from CR1000 User Manual, rev 2/18, section

Line 1: Environment Line

Field Description Proposed value for Urbanova AQ node
1 TOA5 TOA5 (part of standard)
2 Station name name/ID of assembled sensor package?
3 Datalogger model lookup values corresponding to specific hardware configurations?
4 Datalogger serial number serial number of just raspberry Pi? of entire assembled AQ node?
5 Datalogger OS version Git tag/hash of installed software version
6 Datalogger program name name of DAQ script?
7 Dataloger program signature blank/not used? other sentinel to emphasize not a real TOA5 file? use for Git tag/hash instead?
8 Table name ?

Line 2: Header

This line consists of comma-delimited strings that identify the name of individual fields as given in the datalogger program.

Line 3: Units

This line identifies engineering units for that field of data, as declared at the beginning of the CRBasic program.

Line 4: Aggregation

The fourth line reports abbreviations of the data process used to produce the field of data. See table 20 within user manual section (rev 2/18).

All additional lines

Subsequent lines are observed data and associated record keeping. The first field being a timestamp, and the second being the record (sequential) number.


vonw commented 6 years ago

In response to the question marks...

Field 2: Station names will be assigned when units are deployed. Does it also make sense to include the coordinates (lat/lon), or are these part of the data stream? If lat/lon are not already being acquired and stored from the GPS breakout, they should be.

Field 3: I think it's OK to list the RPi as the datalogger at this level. We will be specifying the complete description of the units (including serial numbers of all devices) when we log the unit as an IoT device at AWS. So the list of IoT devices at AWS can serve as catalog of what unit contains which sensors. However, I think we should also keep track of this ourselves, perhaps just in an Excel file somewhere...

vonw commented 6 years ago


Field 6: Sure. Name of DAQ script works for me.

Field 7: I don't understand what this is, but I'll take your recommendation for what it should be.

Field 8: I'm not sure what this is. I see the "table" as the "data", and this is adequately described by the header lines 2, 3, and 4. But again, I'll take your recommendation for what this should be, if anything.

vonw commented 6 years ago

Thanks again, Patrick, for defining this. Nice work!