I noticed there is currently no section that pertains to i18n at all, so as a resident of a country with 4 national languages I felt compelled to add it. :)
I've populated the internationalization category with some of the most commonly used packages that are well established. There are others with many hundreds stars but these projects haven't seen any activity in over 2 years.
django-localflavor - Self-explanatory as a previous Django core module.
django-modeltranslations - The i18n project with the most Github stars, using a registry to create migrations and even allows translating third party models.
django-modeltrans - A modern solution using a single JSONField to store translated values and using virtual fields to access them (my personal favorite as it's much more lightweight and unintrusive than the above)
django-rosetta - A Web GUI to modify your gettext catalogs
I noticed there is currently no section that pertains to i18n at all, so as a resident of a country with 4 national languages I felt compelled to add it. :)
I've populated the internationalization category with some of the most commonly used packages that are well established. There are others with many hundreds stars but these projects haven't seen any activity in over 2 years.
Let me know what you think!