Closed Youngv closed 3 years ago
Maybe something wrong with the way I sign the app, can you add me to the test group, UDID: 00008101-0013295921A0001E
Sorry, the first time connect to local network after newly installed requires user to allow Local Network Permission, I havn't deal with this case now, you can try to connect again after allow Local Network Permission.
Sorry, the first time connect to local network after newly installed requires user to allow Local Network Permission, I havn't deal with this case now, you can try to connect again after allow Local Network Permission.
I have already enable the allow Local Network Permission and restart the app several times, but still with the error.
Sorry, the first time connect to local network after newly installed requires user to allow Local Network Permission, I havn't deal with this case now, you can try to connect again after allow Local Network Permission.
I have already enable the allow Local Network Permission and restart the app several times, but still with the error.
Can you join my telegram group, send me the detail infomatin.
Local Network Permission issue now adapted, please check the newest release.
os: macOS
ios ssh to mac: test with Termius work fine
adb: test on mac work fine
ios: connect error