wswebcreation / protractor-image-comparison

npm-module to compare images with protractor
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saveAboveTolerance parameter not working #60

Closed pausk89 closed 6 years ago

pausk89 commented 6 years ago


First of all I would like to thank you for so awsome job with this image comparison, it is really usefull for me. However, while I was trying different configuration parameters I noticed that saveAboveTolerance is not working for me. CheckElement method always creates an image in diff folder even is the difference percentage is lower than the one set in saveAboveTolerance parameter. Here is my configuration code:

const baselinePath = path.resolve(__dirname, `../../utils/images/baseline/`);
  const imagePath = path.resolve(__dirname, `../../utils/images/`);
  const protractorImageComparison = new ProtractorImageComparison({
    baselineFolder: baselinePath,
    screenshotPath: imagePath,
    autoSaveBaseline: true,
    debug: true,
    formatImageName: '{tag}',
    ignoreTransparentPixel: true,
    saveAboveTolerance: 10
  protractorImageComparison.checkElement(applicationElement, name).then(function(res) {

And the running output:

compareOptions =  { isScreen: false,
  ignoreAntialiasing: false,
  ignoreColors: false,
  ignoreRectangles: [],
  ignoreTransparentPixel: true }

wswebcreation commented 6 years ago

Hi @pausk89

That's strange, I just did a test and I see this (added some extra log to check this)

[14:46:42] I/hosted - Using the selenium server at http://localhost:4444/wd/hub/
options.saveAboveTolerance =  65
...saveAboveTolerance =  65


1) Scenario: Validate likes on name on top page # e2e/features/heroes.feature:4
   ✔ Given I open the heroes app # Projects/rtc-demo-app/node_modules/cucumber/src/support_code_library_builder/define_helpers.js:90
   ✔ And "Wim Selles" has 9832 likes # Projects/rtc-demo-app/node_modules/cucumber/src/support_code_library_builder/define_helpers.js:90
   ✔ When I like "Wim Selles" # Projects/rtc-demo-app/node_modules/cucumber/src/support_code_library_builder/define_helpers.js:90
   ✖ Then the amount of likes of "Wim Selles" equals 9833 # Projects/rtc-demo-app/node_modules/cucumber/src/support_code_library_builder/define_helpers.js:90
           + expected - actual


My config holds this

     * For protractor-image-comparison
    browser.imageComparison = new protractorImageComparison({
      // Required
      baselineFolder: path.resolve(cwd, './e2e/baseline/'),
      screenshotPath: path.resolve(cwd, './.tmp/image-compare/'),
      // Optional
      autoSaveBaseline: false, // set this to true if you want to create an automatic baseline
      saveAboveTolerance: 65,
      debug: false            // set this to `true` to see some debugging and see blocked out images in the diff folder

And I don't have an image in my diff-folder. image

When I change my config to saveAboveTolerance: 60 then I see this in my log

[14:45:05] I/hosted - Using the selenium server at http://localhost:4444/wd/hub/
options.saveAboveTolerance =  60
...saveAboveTolerance =  60


1) Scenario: Validate likes on name on top page # e2e/features/heroes.feature:4
   ✔ Given I open the heroes app # Projects/rtc-demo-app/node_modules/cucumber/src/support_code_library_builder/define_helpers.js:90
   ✔ And "Wim Selles" has 9832 likes # Projects/rtc-demo-app/node_modules/cucumber/src/support_code_library_builder/define_helpers.js:90
   ✔ When I like "Wim Selles" # Projects/rtc-demo-app/node_modules/cucumber/src/support_code_library_builder/define_helpers.js:90
   ✖ Then the amount of likes of "Wim Selles" equals 9833 # Projects/rtc-demo-app/node_modules/cucumber/src/support_code_library_builder/define_helpers.js:90
           + expected - actual


and an image in my diff folder


Can you check on which version you are on? This feature is available on version 1.7.0

pausk89 commented 6 years ago

Hi @wswebcreation,

Thank you very much for your answer and all the details. I am using the version 1.7.0, after retesting, I noticed that this issue only happens to me when I have debug parameter set to true. When I set it to false the saveAboveTolerance is working fine. So, could you please check if it is working fine for you when you set debug: true?

Thank you in advance!

wswebcreation commented 6 years ago

It's in this line of code,

There's an OR, so if debug is true is well still save it. That's not a bug ☺️.

I'm going to close it for now, but it's still open for questions.

pausk89 commented 6 years ago

Thank you very much for the clarification :)