wt-hu / pyCausalFS

pyCausalFS:A Python Library of Causality-based Feature Selection for Causal Structure Learning and Classification
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Enhancement request: Build a Directed Acyclic Graph #4

Open ivan-marroquin opened 2 years ago

ivan-marroquin commented 2 years ago


Many thanks for making available this package!

I read with great interest the documentation of pyCausalFS package. I was wondering if in addition to returning the Parents and Children of MB, these algorithms also return the Spouses.

Thus, I would like to submit the following enhancements that I believe can help to facilitate the interpretation of the Markov Blanket:

Kind regards,


wt-hu commented 2 years ago

Hi I'm glad you to enhance the package, and I also hope that you can join the project,as a collaborator. I've invited you to be a collaborator. Kind regards, Wentao Hu

wt-hu commented 2 years ago

By the way, your suggestion is very good,I agree with your enhancements.

ivan-marroquin commented 2 years ago

Hi Wentao Hu,

Many thanks for inviting me to be a collaborator in your project. I believe that this package toyplot can be helpful, see this example: https://toyplot.readthedocs.io/en/stable/graph-visualization.html

I installed on my windows machine. I have some issues with running the package. Perhaps, you could give a try and let me know.
