wting / autojump

A cd command that learns - easily navigate directories from the command line
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"string not in pwd" error on Mac #682

Open longbow007 opened 11 months ago

longbow007 commented 11 months ago

I installed autojump using homebrew, and added this line in my .zshrc file at line 112 [ -f /opt/homebrew/etc/profile.d/autojump.sh ] && . /opt/homebrew/etc/profile.d/autojump.sh Every time I start terminal, it says: /Users/myusername/.zshrc:cd:112: string not in pwd: - I checked if the autojump.sh file exists: ls -l /opt/homebrew/etc/profile.d/ the output: image then I checked autojump.zsh: image

All the files exists, they are just symlinked to other locations. So where does the "/Users/myusername/.zshrc:cd:112: string not in pwd: -" error come from?