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Introduction #166

Open wtsang11 opened 3 years ago

wtsang11 commented 3 years ago


VSC: http://localhost/lab/python/utilities/study_codes/opencodes.php?f=/Users/wtsang/Lab/vue/danny_vue_cross_platform_apps/

Vue Documentation https://vuejs.org/v2/guide/#Getting-Started

wtsang11 commented 3 years ago

install quasar CLI


sudo npm install -g @quasar/cli

wtsang11 commented 3 years ago

Formatting Vue File

Code > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcut , select keybinding: Shift+Option+F Or Install formatter extension Prettier and Vetur In the settings of Vetur, make sure Default formatter is prettier

wtsang11 commented 3 years ago


Ref https://012.vuejs.org/guide/directives.html A directive is an instruction to activate a certain action in a DOM element. Example: v-show="message.length" show the element if length is greater than 0.

Note that v-if will not simply hide the DOM element but delete it. v-else works along with v-if.

Example: v-model="message" binds the element to a data element message.

Example: 3 different ways to do the same:

  1. v-bind:class="{ error: message.length > 22}"
  2. :class="{ error: message.length > 22 }"
  3. :style="errorStyle"
In computed object: 

errorStyle() {
      if (this.message.length > 22) {
        return {
          color: 'red',
          background: 'pink',

In style object:

.error {
  color: red;
  background: pink;
wtsang11 commented 3 years ago

Debugging CSS

Ref https://developer.chrome.com/docs/devtools/css/overrides/ Inspect of the element in question showed Invalid value in: .border-grey { border: 1 px solid grey; }

Solution: Remove the space between 1 px i.e. 1px

wtsang11 commented 3 years ago

Computed Property

It is more efficient to use computed property than calling a method directly because the function is called only when the element in question changes, not whenever the page changes. Example:

Uppercase message: {{ messageUppercase }}

computed: { messageUppercase() { return this.message.toUpperCase(); }, },
wtsang11 commented 3 years ago


A filter is mainly used simply to transform a value of a DOM element. Example:

filters: {
    messageLowercase(value) {
      return value.toLowerCase();

The filter is used by piping a value to it:

Lowercase message: {{ message | messageLowercase }}

wtsang11 commented 3 years ago

Lifecycle Hooks

beforeCreate -> created -> beforeMount -> mounted

beforeUpdate -> updated


wtsang11 commented 3 years ago


A reference to a DOM element. It can be accessed by the vue variable $refs. This provide a handy utility to access the element and perform tasks such as input verification.


<div ref="messageLength">{{ message.length }}</div>

mounted() {
    if (this.message.length > 22) {
      this.$refs.messageLength.className = 'error';