if sandman comes across a symlink, it'll won't act on it. this is what we want so sandman doesn't go wild attacking other project areas
if you run the vault command with a symlink, it'll resolve it and annotate the original. this is what we want so user's aren't confused why the actual file just went missing
when running the vault command on a symlink, it'll tell you that it has acted on the original filepath
Proposed behaviour:
when running the vault command on a symlink, in addition to telling you the original filepath it has acted on, it should display a warning, for example
WARNING this_symlink is a symlink. Acting on the original file: /lustre/scratchXXX/YYY/original_file
Current behaviour:
command with a symlink, it'll resolve it and annotate the original. this is what we want so user's aren't confused why the actual file just went missingvault
command on a symlink, it'll tell you that it has acted on the original filepathProposed behaviour:
command on a symlink, in addition to telling you the original filepath it has acted on, it should display a warning, for example