wttech / AEM-Rules-for-SonarQube

SonarQube plugin with set of rules detecting possible bugs and bad smells specific for AEM development.
Apache License 2.0
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Session should be logged out in finally block. #241

Open ramcharankavvamp opened 4 months ago

ramcharankavvamp commented 4 months ago

We defined and signedout session in finally block from EventListener Activate method, But it is always reporting from cloud manger Session should be logged out in finally block.
@Activate public void activate(ComponentContext context) throws CustomActivationException { Session adminSession=null;

 try {
     adminSession = repository.loginService("xyz",null);
      this, //handler
      Event.PROPERTY_ADDED | Event.PROPERTY_CHANGED, //binary combination of event types
      "xyz/xyz/xyz", //path
      true, //is Deep?
      null, //uuids filter
      null, //nodetypes filter

 } catch (RepositoryException e){
  logger.error("unable to register session{}",e);
 } finally {         
              if(adminSession !=null){
         adminSession = null;

Please help for logout the adminSession in finally block from cloudmanager report.
