wttech / bobcat-aem-tests

Contains integration tests and examples for Bobcat's AEM modules
Apache License 2.0
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373 provdiding CRUD tests for Breadcrumb v2 component, adding needed … #15

Closed Danon9111 closed 4 years ago

Danon9111 commented 4 years ago

…test pages, configurations and page objects

Danon9111 commented 4 years ago

CRUD test for Breadcrumb component v2

Issue tracking: https://github.com/Cognifide/bobcat/issues/373

kaczymuczy commented 4 years ago

I think you overkilled this component - you're testing multiple combinations and behaviors for this component, but what we're really supposed to test is if we can handle the configuration dialog forms with Bobcat. So instead of testing, if the component reacts properly when you increase a value, and then decrease the value, test if you can work with the dialog field for that value and if the component reflects that change. translating into something different

Please remember - we're not covering the core components with tests. We're testing Bobcat to see if it's able to handle the configuration of core components.