wu-hongjun / macOS-Thinkpad-X1-Extreme

Configuration for Lenovo Thinkpad X1 Extreme Gen I.
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Bluetooth driver Problem #3

Closed zysuper closed 5 years ago

zysuper commented 5 years ago

Hello, guys, see you Bluetooth driver can not use, I want to know, under the windows can you see the Bluetooth device? Because the default network card AC9560 uses the M.2 CNVio interface, this interface may not have a usb channel.

wu-hongjun commented 5 years ago

I haven't get to BT yet, but it is not working for me as well.

zysuper commented 5 years ago

I haven't get to BT yet, but it is not working for me as well.

Hello, friend, I am more concerned about whether you can see the Bluetooth device in the device manager under Windows, because if you can't see it, it may be caused by the M.2 CNVio interface not supporting.

darkal commented 5 years ago

@zysuper Under windows, the Bluetooth module is not under the USB controller. It is under the root directory.

wu-hongjun commented 5 years ago

You are right. I cannot see it in windows. I never use BT so I never even realize it. I used this card in another card in another laptop and both macOS and Windows recognize Bluetooth. So yeah. It’s probably not supported.

zysuper commented 5 years ago

@zysuper Under windows, the Bluetooth module is not under the USB controller. It is under the root directory.

Hi @darkal . Have you changed your card? Intel AC9560 Wifi card is indeed in the root directory, and his BIOS device name is \SB.PCI0.XHC.RHUB.HS14. I am not sure if the replacement compatible card can be recognized.

darkal commented 5 years ago

@zysuper I tried to replace BCM94352Z (DW1560), but I didn't find any Bluetooth devices under the root directory and USB directory, and sometimes win10 even freezen, so I changed back to AC9560.

wu-hongjun commented 5 years ago

@darkal I have not experience the windows 10 freezing issue. It's just the BT not showing off. Also, do you guys by any means enabled the iGPU acceleration successfully? I got stuck on iGPU for like a month...

zysuper commented 5 years ago

You can access my github, the integrated graphics card has been driven, the applealc for the sound card, the battery level, etc. @Errrneist

zysuper commented 5 years ago

@zysuper I tried to replace BCM94352Z (DW1560), but I didn't find any Bluetooth devices under the root directory and USB directory, and sometimes win10 even freezen, so I changed back to AC9560.

freezen too. BCM94352Z has two ngff key type,key a and key e.which one you use? @darkal

wu-hongjun commented 5 years ago

@zysuper I tried to replace BCM94352Z (DW1560), but I didn't find any Bluetooth devices under the root directory and USB directory, and sometimes win10 even freezen, so I changed back to AC9560.

freezen too. BCM94352Z has two ngff key type,key a and key e.which one you use? @darkal

It seems like DW1560 is the A+E key interface. I am not sure about the other BCM94352Z that isn't DW1560 though...For example, this one from Lenovo might be worth to try...

IMG for M.2. A+E interface

Typical DW1560 IMG

andyy24 commented 5 years ago

I recommend DW1820A(bcm94350ZAE).It's more cheaper than DW1560 or DW1830, and it has a official drive for windows 10 (on freezen issue). Someone may has problem on it's Bluetooth ,but on x1e it's never a problem.

wu-hongjun commented 5 years ago

I recommend DW1820A(bcm94350ZAE).It's more cheaper than DW1560 or DW1830, and it has a official drive for windows 10 (on freezen issue). Someone may has problem on it's Bluetooth ,but on x1e it's never a problem.

Thanks for your suggestion! I wonder did you try it out on your laptop and can you confirm Bluetooth is actually working on your X1E? It would be so helpful if it works on X1E!

zysuper commented 5 years ago

I recommend DW1820A(bcm94350ZAE).It's more cheaper than DW1560 or DW1830, and it has a official drive for windows 10 (on freezen issue). Someone may has problem on it's Bluetooth ,but on x1e it's never a problem.

I tried this, no Bluetooth。

andyy24 commented 5 years ago

I recommend DW1820A(bcm94350ZAE).It's more cheaper than DW1560 or DW1830, and it has a official drive for windows 10 (on freezen issue). Someone may has problem on it's Bluetooth ,but on x1e it's never a problem.

Thanks for your suggestion! I wonder did you try it out on your laptop and can you confirm Bluetooth is actually working on your X1E? It would be so helpful if it works on X1E!

I'm not decide to choose usb wireless or wireless card, because ac9560 is work very good on win10. but DW1820A's wifi work good on my friend's laptop even have not to add any kexts.

wu-hongjun commented 5 years ago

DW1830 works fine for me on WIndows 10, and it is also natively supported by macOS. The only issue for me is just bluetooth. I purchased an adapter on eBay to adapt native macbook card BCM943602CS to ngff and I will see how that goes...

andyy24 commented 5 years ago

DW1830 works fine for me on WIndows 10, and it is also natively supported by macOS. The only issue for me is just bluetooth. I purchased an adapter on eBay to adapt native macbook card BCM943602CS to ngff and I will see how that goes...

我已经把9年义务制教育英语的词汇量用完了还是用中文吧。苹果原生卡的主意很不错,这里有个x1c的例子https://forum.51nb.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1830829 ,不过我手残不敢搞,兄弟你要注意绝缘啊。不过蓝牙我估计还是没戏,原装卡的蓝牙可能也是走的usb通道。

wu-hongjun commented 5 years ago

I uploaded drivers for DW1830 on Windows if you are looking for it on Windows. https://github.com/Errrneist/Hackintosh-Thinkpad-X1-Extreme/releases/tag/v943602BAED.1

I'll just try it out, although most likely it's not going to work... Just hope Dell can release a newer version of DW19XX something...

wu-hongjun commented 5 years ago

Also, here's a link for the adapter that I got...at least it looks pretty convenient: https://www.ebay.com/itm/BCM94360CS2-BCM94360CD-Card-To-NGFF-M-2-Key-A-E-Adapter-For-Mac-OS/253366349283?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649

andyy24 commented 5 years ago


wu-hongjun commented 5 years ago

Hopefully, it doesn't prevent the D surface of the laptop from closing...I inserted BCM943602CS into the machine and it seems like it's going to fit, and since it will be elevated no matter what, just give it a try...


andyy24 commented 5 years ago

X1E 要比X1C 5th 厚,按道理能塞得进,不过还得实际试试才能知道。

wu-hongjun commented 5 years ago

The main problem here is if there is enough space between the board and the shell. But you brought up a really crucial issue about insulating, and hereby I present my current solution: cut a part of the NVMe silicon thermal pad off and put it onto the capacitors to insulate them. Note that these thermal pads dries out over time due to heat in about a month so make sure you also cut a piece of that yellow film and put it back onto the thermal pad. It works for me very well since I installed on my Toshiba XG3 and it has chips on both sides so in another way my SSD fits better without these thermal pads. I have not try to put my 943602CS into the machine since it does not have the adapter yet. (I am more interested in if someone came up with a TB3/Video output solution...I really want to connect it to an external monitor!)

I also took several pics and you can see them from the link below.

和厚度没啥关系……主要还是间距够不够。拆开来看了一下……找出了一个解决可能触电的办法:使用NVMe的导热垫切下一块覆盖在电容上(我装macOS用的XG3 SSD是双面的所以切下来拿块刚好不需要)然后因为在热的作用下导热垫会慢慢干燥变硬同时增加绝缘效果记得把那张黄色的膜重新贴上去。这样估计就可以解决大部分的问题……听天由命了。(其实我更想知道有没有人解决了TB3或者外接显示屏的问题……想连外接显卡和显示器啊啊啊啊也许该重新开一个issue……)



zysuper commented 5 years ago

Bluetooth also has a way to drive. First use the adapter convert card, and then solder the D+, D- of the usb channel of the adapter board to the D+ and D- of the motherboard usb interface, which will be perfectly driven. The original interface will not think about it, there is no usb channel. And the Bluetooth MAC address of this card is inside the CPU.


darkal commented 5 years ago

sad...I upgrade Win10 1809, but the Intel 9560 module is often unrecognized. The device manager warns that the hardware is damaged and cannot be driven. What's the problem with your notebook? @Errrneist

zysuper commented 5 years ago

@darkal Do you use clover to boot up windows?

wu-hongjun commented 5 years ago

sad...I upgrade Win10 1809, but the Intel 9560 module is often unrecognized. The device manager warns that the hardware is damaged and cannot be driven. What's the problem with your notebook? @Errrneist

I have no problem with 9560. It might be that your hardware is really broken...

wu-hongjun commented 5 years ago

Bluetooth also has a way to drive. First use the adapter convert card, and then solder the D+, D- of the usb channel of the adapter board to the D+ and D- of the motherboard usb interface, which will be perfectly driven. The original interface will not think about it, there is no usb channel. And the Bluetooth MAC address of this card is inside the CPU.


I got a thought. See, there is an empty slot on the motherboard for smart card. Since we don't use smart card at all and it seems like it might have a usb2.0 interface, it is worthwhile to try to connect BT via that port...how do you think?


wu-hongjun commented 5 years ago

Bluetooth also has a way to drive. First use the adapter convert card, and then solder the D+, D- of the usb channel of the adapter board to the D+ and D- of the motherboard usb interface, which will be perfectly driven. The original interface will not think about it, there is no usb channel. And the Bluetooth MAC address of this card is inside the CPU.


Any idea which two pins on BCM943602CS is the USB D+ and D- channel? I don't find much information on the definitions of the pins...


zysuper commented 5 years ago

Bluetooth also has a way to drive. First use the adapter convert card, and then solder the D+, D- of the usb channel of the adapter board to the D+ and D- of the motherboard usb interface, which will be perfectly driven. The original interface will not think about it, there is no usb channel. And the Bluetooth MAC address of this card is inside the CPU. 蓝牙也有办法驱动。首先用转接版,然后将转接板的usb通道的D+,D-,焊接到主板usb接口的D+和D-上,就能完美驱动了。原装的这个接口就别想了,没有usb通道的。而且这个卡的蓝牙的MAC地址是在CPU里面的。

I got a thought. See, there is an empty slot on the motherboard for smart card. Since we don't use smart card at all and it seems like it might have a usb2.0 interface, it is worthwhile to try to connect BT via that port...how do you think?


This program is feasible. There are two options.

  1. Use the m2 nvme adapter to switch to the original wireless network card + antenna extension cable + usb D+ D- line.
  2. Custom m2 ngff usb external wiring adapter card + native wireless network card, no antenna extension cable. However, this kind of card does not exist on the market, and it needs to be customized.

这个方案可行。有两种选择。 1.用现成的m2 nvme转接版转原生无线网卡+天线延长线+usb D+ D- 线。 2.定制m2 ngff usb外接线转接卡+原生无线网卡,无需天线延长线。但这种卡市面上不存在,要客户化定制。

wu-hongjun commented 5 years ago

Also, do you think if usb will lack power supply if we only connect the USB D+/D- cable?

Oh I also found a way to put the extra antenna so it doesn't get its signal blocked by the magnesium-aluminum alloy: Start from the card->use native cable management clips around the fan and wrap it around->go across the heat exhaust and place the antenna right in the middle between the motherboard and the chassis. This should give the antenna the least block from the chassis and so far the signal is very well.

定制大概是不可能了……只跳D+&D-难道不会缺少供电吗? 到时候看看吧…首先得搞明白两端的D+和D-都在哪里…特别是网卡端苹果定制卡文档基本找不到光是找这个定义估计就要费好大的功夫了……


andyy24 commented 5 years ago

上万能的淘宝看了下,只找到苹果转NGFF B+M的卡有独立的USB接口,那样的话就要牺牲一个SSD位置了。已经有人用这个飞线到usb实现小米笔记本pro安装独立网卡了(它也有2个pcie的ssd位置),远景上有人提到,不过我没找到改造的原贴。

andyy24 commented 5 years ago

NGFF引脚定义:https://blog.csdn.net/greless/article/details/51698662 不用研究苹果的的定义,USB直接从转接板上引出就行了 纸上谈兵,仅供参考

wu-hongjun commented 5 years ago

The problem is that I already have dual SSD setup so it is not worth it just to sacrifice a nvme slot for bluetooth. I have another bigger(therefore does not fit in X1E) 2CS to 2230 card for my old Thinkpad P50 and I can kinda see how the PCB goes. I guess maybe I can figure out which two pins correspond to the USB D+ and D- channels...but I have an essay due several hours later so...more on that later.

问题是我双SSD,所以不可能使用B+M卡的解决方案。我手头有另外一张老的给P50用的2230转接卡(硕大 并放不进X1E)不过大概可以看出PCB朦胧的线路遂估计不是很难找出USB引脚了虽然我还没有仔细看…因为三个小时后有个东西要due……QWQ

zysuper commented 5 years ago

先搞清楚smart card的引脚定义吧。其他的都好说。

wu-hongjun commented 5 years ago

Yeah you are right...the definition for the smartcard slot is certainly a problem...

唔 有道理……(那么在那里能找得到呢.jpg)

wu-hongjun commented 5 years ago

I was surprised to figure out that the adapter I mentioned above actually has D+ and D- separated out for us. What a nice and thoughtful design lol.

笑死 偶然发现这张转接卡(我上面提到的)自带了D+和D-焊点 看来是考虑充分了hhh image

andyy24 commented 5 years ago


wu-hongjun commented 5 years ago

Wonder if I can get something from AliExpress...

唔 不知道淘宝有没有神奇的排线可以定制……

andyy24 commented 5 years ago


andyy24 commented 5 years ago


wu-hongjun commented 5 years ago

没 现在好像主板没货了得等 很凉 马上回国了估计拿不回来了圣诞过了再说吧。

后续 沉迷期末考试 没有电脑硬件防沉迷 我的转接卡到了,的确有D+和D-焊盘 焊盘极小估计要跳漆包线 而且好久没焊这种微电路了我不大确定我的技术还稳不稳 买了一块很小的USB2.0一拖三小板 我打算如果可行的话把所有扩展设备都固定在智能卡占位卡上面 估计还能再跳线焊个U盘啊鼠标接收器啥的上去 淘宝卖排线的聊到一半居然不理我了 迷 还去淘宝搞了个联想弄的一个叫口红电源(什么鬼名字)的65W充电器 看起来很不错的样子可惜电脑不在手上


alexschomb commented 5 years ago

Please excuse that I'll write in English instead. If I understood you correctly, WiFi and BT (4.2 instead of 5.0) should be working with the BCM943602CS and an adapter? I ordered both of these, but don't understand how to connect the wires correctly. My Broadcom WiFi/BT module has ports for three wires (J0, J1 and J2), but the existing Intel WiFi/BT 9560NGW module is only connected to two wires (gray and black). I can see from your "old" photos in the IMG folder that you originally had two wires as well, but the last picture with the Dell WiFi/BT module suddenly shows three connected wires. Where can I find those third wire? 😕

Thanks for your work 👍

wu-hongjun commented 5 years ago

Just go on eBay and grab another wire lol no big deal. My laptop is dead right not so please come back and tell me how it goes!

alexschomb commented 5 years ago

Ok that’s the easy solution 😅 I suppose you’re talking about such a wire with an attached antenna?https://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/bDfbTzBb

Otherwise where should the end of the wire be connected/soldered on? Do I have to remove the complete mainboard to access the antennas?

Thanks for your fast response. I hope you’re Thinkpad is going to be repaired fast. 😊

wu-hongjun commented 5 years ago

img_0773 What I use is an antenna of different shape. I don’t currently have it but if you look at this image I drew I am sure you can get a pretty good sense of what I am doing. Not much work to do here really you just put in the antenna. Lenovo has their antenna berried inside the screen so I figure this is a MUCH easier workaround. Also, have you been able to insert your 2CS into your machine yet? Does the driver for BT show up?

alexschomb commented 5 years ago

Perfect, thanks for the illustration. I just ordered myself a (different) Dual Band antenna that should be here in just a few days. Right now I didn’t fully install the module yet, because i had height issues with the NGFF adapter whose screw mounts are too high. But I’ll figure out a solution for this and let you know ASAP. 🙂

wu-hongjun commented 5 years ago

Great. When you are done just pop it in and see what happens. As mentioned above, We suspect that there is likely an issue that the newer M.2 ports lack usb channels. You will likely experience the same issue that no matter if it is macOS or Windows BT doesn’t show up at all...

alexschomb commented 5 years ago

Unfortunately I have to confirm that BT is not working with 2CS. It won't be recognized at all. 😞 I suppose there is no other WiFi+BT chip out there that could work? Eventually I'd even sacrifice my second NVMe M.2 slot if it works (and get a 2TB SSD for the first slot)

/edit: just ordered a Lenovo 04X6020 WiFi+BT card to test, but it might take a while to arrive.

wu-hongjun commented 5 years ago

04X6020 is a good card to try. We are working on using the smart card socket as a USB port and connect the D+ and D- channel onto it. However so far not much progress has been made. :( I really hope Dell or some other company roll out their newer BRCM cards...

untimex commented 5 years ago

认真阅读了的讨论,我也认为usb最好的解决办法是在智能卡的6pin接口处。最好能定做或者拆一个usb hub,接出一个usb小板,除了给蓝牙usb通道外,再接一个usb2WWAN。在淘宝上有带sim卡底座的usb接口转M2转接卡,比如这个https://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?id=542603810968 安装WWAN很合适。期待你的进展。

Read the above discussion carefully, I also think that the best solution for usb is at the 6pin interface of the smart card. It is best to customize or remove a usb hub, and pick up a usb small board, in addition to the Bluetooth usb channel, and then a usb to WWAN conversion board. On Taobao, there is a usb interface to M2 adapter with sim card base, such as this https://detail.tmall.com/item.htm?id=542603810968, it is suitable to install WWAN. Looking forward to your progress.